Empath (Alden POV)

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A/N: @elisa111145 requested a one-shot from Alden or Della's POV of Keefe manifesting as an Empath.

"Did Keefe seem off to you today?" Della asked as they climbed into bed one night.

"He did," Alden told her thoughtfully. "I've been wondering about it. He seemed fine when they leapt here after school, but then he was uncharacteristically quiet during dinner."

"And he barely ate anything," Della added. "Did Fitz say anything about it after Keefe left?"

"He said that Keefe told him he wasn't feeling well. If he had just told us as much before he leapt home, I'd have asked him to spend the night." Alden sighed. "I'm sure Elwin could've come here to see him. He could've just stayed all weekend and convalesced here."

Keefe would've been better cared for at Everglen than he would at his own home.

It was an awful truth, but it was true nonetheless.

Keefe's parents were cold and sometimes cruel people. Alden had once hoped that they were better parents than their general behavior would indicate, but after the way Lord Cassius treated Keefe after his first midterms—scoring second best in the year only slightly behind Fitz—Alden knew he'd been right to be concerned.

Alden had been so proud of Keefe that day. Everything he'd accomplished. Skipping level one and still outshining almost all of his classmates despite being younger.

Keefe was a remarkable kid. He was bright. Engaging. Funny.

And kind.

And Lord Cassius had treated his son like he was a disappointment.

Truth be told, Alden had been worried about Keefe since that day. He was immensely grateful that Keefe and Fitz's friendship had grown the way it had. It enabled him to keep an eye on Keefe and find small ways to encourage him. Be a sort of father figure.

"You know, I wonder if Keefe is about to manifest an ability," Della pondered, pulling Alden out of his thoughts.

"It's possible. It could explain the nausea and lack of appetite."

He also fervently hoped that whatever ability Keefe manifested, it wouldn't be a burden to him.

Keefe manifesting as an Empath—which was all too likely since Lord Cassius was a powerful Empath—would be very uncomfortable for him. Possibly even painful.

Please, please, anything but Empathy. For Keefe's sake.

Maybe Keefe would manifest as a Telepath. He and Fitz could work through exercises together. Alden could even help them. Give Keefe the paternal affection and guidance that Alden knew he wasn't getting at home.

And who knew...Fitz and Keefe's friendship had grown close. They genuinely enjoyed each other's company. Keefe was letting Fitz in, letting Fitz really get to know him. Fitz was even starting to suspect a little bit of Keefe's home life—though Alden worried that it was worse than Keefe would ever let them see.

Maybe Keefe and Fitz would even end up Cognates one day.

But the next day, Alden's fear was confirmed.

Keefe had hailed Fitz about midmorning and asked if he could come over, and told Fitz he had exciting news.

Fitz had gone to meet him at the gate, and by the time they made it back inside, Fitz was grinning. "Guess who just manifested as an Empath?" Fitz announced.

Alden smiled and congratulated Keefe, but tried to keep his distance until his emotions were under control.

Keefe's Empathy would be very strong and sensitive in these early days, and he didn't need to feel the way Alden's heart was breaking for him.

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