Father: part 8

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Elwin let them in, looking distinctly uncomfortable, but also hopeful in a cautious sort of way.

Once they were seated in his bright living room, Sophie took a deep and shaky breath and looked Elwin in the eye. "I don't know what to say, really," she told him. "Except...I couldn't leave things the way we left them."

Elwin nodded, but seemed uncharacteristically quiet.

Which was confirmation, to Sophie, that she was doing the right thing. She wanted Elwin back. The goofy, lovable, highly tolerant elf who really was basically an adult version of Keefe.

"Mr. Forkle explained the situation to me, that day," she began again. "And it's taken me some time, but...I think I understand. Or at least, I'm trying to. And I knew we needed to talk about it. I need you to talk to me."

"The funny thing is," Elwin finally said in a subdued voice, "how possible it is to long for two different realities. I'd have loved to have raised you myself. Or to at least have adopted you when you came back to the Lost Cities. To have been your dad. But...I also know you loved your human family. I know how very deeply you love Grady and Edaline. I see how much of a difference you've made in their lives. They're a perfect fit for you. I remember what it was like, when they lost Jolie, and how much they've found themselves again after you came into their lives. I could not wish to take that from them--or from you."

That made sense to Sophie. "Even so...I can't imagine giving up a child. I'm not trying to guilt you, but...I just can't understand."

Elwin sighed. "The truth is," he said, a sudden sadness in his eyes as his gaze shifted from Sophie's face to where her and Keefe's hands rested, intertwined, on her knee, "not all of us are so lucky in love. I have a feeling you won't have to worry about it. But I have yet to find someone to love, to marry. I would love that, would love a wife and children. But if that's not to be? In the end, the thought of having a child some way, even if it wasn't the traditional route, it felt better than nothing."

Lucky in love. Was he talking about her and Keefe?

About love. About marriage and children.

They hadn't been dating that long, and were still teenagers.

But Elwin seemed to think they were headed for something more.

Only time would tell, though the very thought of Keefe not being in her future made her heart ache.

Sophie tucked that thought neatly away in her Things To Think About Later box and turned her thoughts firmly back to the conversation at hand.

"And you just trusted the Black Swan to keep me safe?"

"Well, yes and no. I didn't realize how dire the situation was. I don't think the Black Swan did either, though they knew more than I did. I agreed that change was needed, but didn't think it was life and death. I had no reason to think you wouldn't be safe--in the Forbidden Cities or here. And again, it's hard to look at it with hindsight--because I can't regret that you were born. Could I rightly say I wish you hadn't been born, just to spare you the pain you've felt, or the burden that our world has laid on you? No. I wouldn't have signed up for this if I had known, but in hindsight...I can't regret it."

That made sense too.

"So...where does that leave us, exactly?"

"That's up to you," Elwin said. "The regret is mine to deal with. I'll always wish I'd been able to really and truly be your dad--but I'm not. And I won't try to be. But I am your father, and I care about you. It's been hard, not being allowed to tell you the truth. Every time you've done something incredible, I have felt a parental pride. Every time you've almost died, I've known terror. And when we thought you were dead..." his voice trembled and then trailed off. "Anyway," he continued after a moment. "Until you came, Keefe here was my favorite prodigy," Elwin's eyes twinkled with a hint of their usual gleam as he grinned at Keefe. "But when you came home, you took his place. Not that you're not still a close second," he assured Keefe.

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