Claire (part 3 of 3)

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"Mr. Sencen, we have a plan in place and I would like to walk you through it before we implement it," Mr. Forkle began. "Firstly, Dex will be able to go in digitally and transfer lusters into pounds, then use that money to pay off the family's medical expenses. Once that is done, I've decided it would be best to send the family a letter, telling them they've received a grant that paid their medical expenses in full. There will be another letter informing them that Mr. Alcot had a distant relative who recently passed away, and who had been hoarding a great wealth. The family lawyer will have determined that Mr. Alcot was the next in line to receive the inheritance, and the letter will include a large check. They will be able to easily deposit the funds into their bank account and, while their grief will not be erased, they will at least be able to live a far more comfortable lifestyle."

Keefe breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much. Make sure we take the money from my birth fund. When will they get the money and the letters?"

"Mr. Dizznee will handle the transfers right now, and I will ensure the letters—along with the check—are placed in their mailbox tomorrow. I assume you will want to travel to the Forbidden Cities after that to see that things go smoothly?"

"Yes, please. I need to know that they're okay."

"By the time school is over tomorrow, you should be free to go--with an Obscurer, of course."

"And a bodyguard," Sandor called from the doorway.

Keefe looked ready to argue, but Mr. Forkle spoke before he could. "They'll be around a lot of humans for this particular mission, and should anything happen that would cause you to move away from the anonymity of the Obscurer, we could have a catastrophe on our hands. I assure you, Miss Foster will have one of your strategically placed trackers on her and if she is late coming back, you can go and find her. But it would be best for them to take this short trip without a bodyguard present."

Sandor grumbled, but couldn't argue with Mr. Forkle's logic.

Sophie and Keefe watched as Dex 'worked his Technopath magic', as Keefe put it. Then the three of them left Watchward Heath together. Once outside, Dex turned to look at them.

"Well?" He asked.

"Well what?" Keefe asked, smirking, letting go of Sophie's hand to put his arm across her shoulders.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Keefe and I are dating," she told Dex. "Since right before Elysian. I've been meaning to tell you, but it's been a busy few days and we're kind of unsure how much to talk about it right now, since Fitz..."

Dex nodded. "I know. And...I already knew. We've all kind of been waiting for this to happen, and then the way you two have been looking at each other at school the last couple of's pretty obvious."

Keefe just smirked again. "Yeah, I finally wore her down. Persistence, that's all it takes. And proximity. And...what's another 'p' word?"

"One that describes you? Dex asked. "How about...peculiar?"

"Or perplexing?" Sophie added.

She and Dex both laughed, while Keefe pretended to be hurt. "And you call yourselves my friends!"

Sophie grinned, tugging on his hand. "I think I'm more than just your friend," she pointed out.

"True," Keefe agreed. "So maybe you should be a little nicer to your boyfriend." He smirked at her again before turning back to Dex. "Are you going to go with us to London tomorrow?"

Dex shook his head. "No, I've done my part. Besides...I'm trying to make sure I set aside more time to hang out with Rex. He's still pretty down."

His whole demeanor changed when he mentioned Rex, and Sophie couldn't blame him. Being Talentless would completely alter everything for Rex.

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