Siblings (Fitz POV)

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A/N: Bonus chapter from my main story. Set right before the chapter entitled "Everglen".

Fitz had gotten up early to go for a run before he needed to get ready for school. He didn't always run first thing in the morning, but lately...lately he just needed the time to clear his head and mentally prepare for the day before heading to Foxfire.

Especially since Keefe was coming back to school today.

He had seen both Sophie and Keefe several times separately since they'd started dating, and a couple of times together, but they'd limited their time all being together as much as possible.

They were doing that for his sake, he knew.

But he meant it when he told them he didn't want them hiding because of him. So he wasn't really sure what to expect.

He was realizing that Sophie's feelings for him had been shallow. Intense, and strong, but not deep.

He wasn't sure he could say the same.

By the time he came back inside, Biana was up and racing down the stairs—still in her pajamas—for breakfast.

She smiled brightly at him as they passed on the stairs, and he noticed she was singing under her breath.


By the time he'd showered and gotten ready, Biana had already eaten and gone back upstairs.

He could hear her singing in her room as he passed her door.

He passed his mom on the stairs and gave her a swift kiss on the cheek and a 'good morning' before heading to the kitchen.

Biana didn't even try to sneak up on him to startle him while he was eating.

Something was definitely going on, and he had a sneaking suspicion he knew what it was.

He looked at the time. They had plenty of time before they needed to leap to Foxfire so he went back upstairs to knock on her door.

He heard her call for him to come in, so he opened the door to see her hands quickly working through her hair.

He didn't understand how girls managed to do so much fancy stuff with their hair. It was weird.

"What's up?" she asked, grabbing another hair pin from her vanity and slipping it into her hair.

"I don't know," he said, flashing a smile at her. "You tell me. You practically danced down the stairs this morning. And you and Dex seemed even friendlier than usual when you came back from your walk yesterday."

A hint of blush colored Biana's cheeks as she finished up her hair. She looked at him through the mirror, a small smile on her face, before turning to face him. "Well...if you must know...he kissed me." She let out a dreamy sort of sigh and turned back to grab a bottle of lip gloss and quickly apply some before turning back around. "You probably aren't surprised to hear that he's the crush I've had for a while now." She grinned. "Looks like he feels the same way."

Fitz wasn't surprised.

He'd seen the way Dex looked at Biana.

It wasn't the way most guys looked at her.

Dex didn't just look at her the way most idiots looked at a pretty girl.

He looked at her like he really saw her.

"Hmmm. As your big brother, I'm not sure I approve. Should I go have the talk with him? Threaten him? Tell him I'll poison him with one of his own elixirs if he hurts you?"

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