Alternate Ending: Lodestar and Beyond (part 2)

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"A date?" Sophie asked. She remembered how they'd discussed, while he was with the Neverseen, going on dates when he finally came home. But then Mr. Forkle had died and her parents had been taken and while Keefe had hardly left her side, they certainly hadn't taken the time to do something as light-hearted as going on a date.

Had Keefe been late to study hall because he'd been meeting with Magnate Leto to share his concerns about how she was coping?

"What do you say?" Keefe asked her.

She smiled. "I think it sounds perfect."

Grady grumbled something under his breath, but said nothing aloud. Sophie looked at him and Edaline.

"So you're okay with this?" She asked.

"With our teenage daughter going on a date with her boyfriend?" Edaline asked. "Yes. We agreed you needed to unwind, and no one will make sure that happens better than Keefe will."

"And no one will make sure you stay safe like Sandor will," Grady added.

Date night with a goblin bodyguard sounded a bit less exciting.

"You know, Sandor could take the night off instead of trailing along behind us," Sophie began.

"Definitely not," Grady cut in at the same time Sandor squeaked, "I go where you go."

Sophie looked at Keefe, expecting him to help plead her case, but he just shook his head.

"Nope, I'm with Grady and Gigantor on this one," he told her. "I've been living with those psychopaths the last few months and I know just how sadistic and cruel and insane they are. No way am I risking your safety, not when I don't have to. I know Gigantor may cramp our style a little, but you'll be safer, and that's more important."

That was actually...really sweet. It even made Sophie swoon a little, an emotion Keefe definitely noticed. He winked at her even as Grady was grumbling under his breath again.

Sophie had a feeling that Keefe was once again going up in Grady's estimation, and that Grady slightly resented it.

"You'll both be safer," Edaline told them. "Your safety matters too, Keefe."

Sophie beamed at Edaline, especially when she saw the faint blush creep up Keefe's cheeks.

He wasn't used to having a parent care about his safety.

Sophie headed upstairs to change out of her uniform--after Sandor did a thorough sweep of her room--and by the time she came back downstairs in her cream colored tunic and brown leggings, Keefe had already changed out of his uniform as well.

He'd taken to keeping some of his clothes in a closet in Jolie's room, so he'd be able to clean up and change after helping in the pastures. Grady had been setting him to some of the nastiest, messiest tasks, and he'd done them uncomplainingly.

"You ready?" Keefe asked, reaching for her hand.

They leapt to Mysterium first. Apparently, Keefe hadn't been kidding when he said he wanted to have Sophie's help planning his pranks. He took her to Slurps and Burps and she saw just how much of an enabler Kesler was as he helped Keefe find some truly diabolical elixirs. Some of them had even been invented by Kesler and Dex per Keefe's wishes.

"I've been thinking about setting up a prank corner," Kesler told them jovially. "Full of elixirs that are more, well, amusing than actually healing or functional. Maybe even name it after Keefe here." He winked at Keefe, who smirked at him.

"That sounds like a very good idea," Keefe replied. "You could name it 'The Keefe Corner' or 'Keefster Concoctions' or...I don't know, I'm drawing a blank for creative names. What do you think, Foster?"

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