Telling Sandor

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A/N: Throwing it back a couple of months (three actually) to the "AU/AE:Stellarlune 37" 3-chapter arc. As a reminder, this arc is a story I told where Sophie and Keefe are in the same world/storyline as canon except they're 19/20 and Sophie is completing her Elite levels while Keefe has already graduated. They got caught up in heightened emotions and accidentally got too intimate too fast. I thought it would be fun to spend more time exploring how they choose to navigate that mine field. A few days have passed from where it left off, they've encountered Elysian and Keefe's third step to Stellarlune has been completed, leaving his abilities balanced and manageable.

"You ready for this?" Keefe whispered to Sophie, squeezing her hand.

"I can't believe we're about to tell Sandor what happened," she mumbled.

"Foster, we don't have to," he reminded her gently. "It was just a suggestion. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

She couldn't help but laugh a little bit at that. "The problem is, we already did do something we clearly wanted to do but shouldn't have," she pointed out. "And we're trying to navigate our way back to how it's supposed to be."

He smirked at her. "For now. Once you marry me, everything is allowed."

Oof. "Talking to me like that doesn't help," she chided him, fighting a serious case of the flutters. "Especially when you look at me that way."

He chuckled softly. "Sorry. I'll be good."

"Thank you. And your suggestion was a good one--theoretically. Sandor will make a good chaperone. Probably too good."

"So why is it only a good suggestion in theory?"

"Because I think you're right that he won't tell Grady, he's good at keeping my secrets, but...there's a distinct chance he'll kill you."

"Between your inflicting and my commanding, I think we could stop him," Keefe pointed out. "Especially since we kind of saved him after my mom had her creepy trolls take him captive."

"Poor Sandor."

"Don't worry, Foster. We won't hurt him. And he won't hurt me. But...are you sure?"

She nodded. "I'm sure. Awkward and uncomfortable and embarrassed, but sure."

They'd been sitting under the Panakes, none of the bodyguards within hearing range, but were now preparing to approach Sandor, who was pacing the grounds nearby, keeping a watchful eye.

To prove to Keefe that she meant what she said, she took the initiative to stand up first, letting him pull himself up beside her.

They began to approach Sandor, wondering where best to have this conversation.

Inside seemed like the best option, since Grady and Edaline were in the pastures.

"Sandor? Can with you for a minute?"

"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Has someone threatened you?"

Keefe laughed. "No. I'm hoping those days are over."

"Just because your mother is in Exile now doesn't mean Miss Foster has run out of enemies," Sandor pointed out.

"We know," Sophie answered. "But this is something else."

She led them into the house and they settled down on the couch.

Or rather, Sophie and Keefe did.

Sandor preferred to remain standing, in case he needed to draw his sword quickly to protect them.

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