The Return

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A/N: @sumani56 and @elisa111145 requested that I continue the Unlocked AE arc ("The Goodbye") to include Sophie discussing it with Biana and Keefe returning home. Many others reiterated these requests as well. This will be told in two parts.

Also, just FYI, I am working on adding my work to Archive of our Own. I'll continue using Wattpad, nothing is changing over here. I just wanted all of my writing on another site too, as a backup, so if you see it over there (same username) then that's why. I'll also probably better organize my stuff over there--main story bonus chapters in one story, AEs in another, Keefe POVs in yet another, etc. 

Keefe had been gone for a couple of weeks.

Sophie had told their friends that he'd gone into hiding, but had kept the bulk of their conversation—and the kiss they'd shared—to herself.

Everything they actually needed to know was in the note he'd given her.

She'd tried to transmit to him—certain that he'd still keep the lines of communication open at least with her—but he was ignoring her.

And ignoring Silveny, too.

He was obviously very serious about his intent to stay away indefinitely. She knew his silence was him trying to make a clean break, to force her to accept that truth and forget about him.

But she couldn't. She couldn't move on, couldn't give up on him.

They would bring Gisela down and find a way to help Keefe with his new abilities. And then she'd transmit that to him and he'd come home.


Because...what kind of guy would kiss a girl and tell her he loved her if he really intended to never see her again?

He was scared. That was all.

But he'd also left her really, really confused.

And yet...not so confused, also.

The way she missed him...thought about him constantly...dreamed about the way he'd kissed her...

The way she kept getting distracted as his face would fill her mind and her palms would get sweaty and her heart would race as she remembered how it felt to kiss him...

She figured that was a pretty good indication that her heart had made a pretty major decision.

If only he'd come home.

She needed to talk to someone about it. But Edaline would get all sappy and misty-eyed, then she'd tell Grady, who'd join up with Sandor to give her all the lectures ever.

Talking about it with Dex felt...weird.

Talking with Fitz was the world's biggest NO.

Talking with Biana was a concern partly because she might feel obligated to tell her brother and partly because Sophie knew Biana used to like Keefe—and honesty didn't know whether or not she still did.

But even though Sophie and Marella's friendship was slowly getting back on track, they'd never really gotten into the serious stuff.

And it would probably be good, actually, to talk about it with Biana.

She needed to know how Biana felt about it and know that it wouldn't hurt their friendship.

What if the very fact that Sophie kissed Keefe felt like a betrayal to Biana? Even with Keefe gone?

What would she do if it did?

What would she do about Fitz?

What did she really want?

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