Father: part 1

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A/N: This story arc lands within just a week or two after the events in Stellarlune. The assumption here is that they have all survived Elysian and Keefe's powers are back in balance. Currently still writing, should be at least a 6-part arc.

"I think everyone's starting to catch on," Keefe told Sophie when they leapt back to Havenfield after school.

"That we're together, you mean?"


Keefe, notably, had not let go of her hand. Sophie was more than okay with this.

"Well, I know we're not being really obvious for Fitz's sake, but we're not exactly trying to sneak around, either."

Keefe squeezed her hand. "Sneaking around sounds exciting though," he replied. "I still think we should give the bodyguards the slip and sneak to the Forbidden Cities. I can't think of a better date night than finally learning what banoffee pie is."

Sophie rolled her eyes. She'd heard of the dessert before, though it was not really something served in America. But she wasn't going to enlighten Keefe.

Maybe eventually they could sneak away and he could try it for himself.

And probably be disappointed, because even the best human desserts couldn't compare to the stuff the elves made.

"Hey, kiddo," Grady called from the pasture as they approached him. "You're lucky, we just finished feeding the gremlins, so we won't be 'asking' you to help."

Grady's eyes strayed to where Sophie and Keefe were holding hands, fingers laced together. He heaved a big sigh, but said nothing.

After Elysian, they had given an account to those friends that hadn't joined them, along with the Collective and the Ruewens.

And then when everyone had left, Keefe had remained sitting on the couch and asked Grady if they could talk. Sophie insisted on staying in the room, and so did Edaline.

So Keefe had taken Sophie's hand and explained that now that he was home, he and Sophie were dating, and that he really wanted Grady's respect and approval--and that he wanted to honor and respect their rules, should they have any.

Edaline got misty-eyed, but said nothing.

Grady gave Keefe an appraising look, and ran his fingers through his hair, looking slightly flustered.

"You make it very hard not to like you," Grady mumbled.

"I know, right?" Sophie had said with a giggle.

Keefe raised his eyebrows at her.

It's true, she transmitted. No matter what crazy things you do, it's impossible not to like you.

He smirked at her before turning to look at Grady. "I want you to like me," he said earnestly.

"It's also not easy to like the boy chasing after my daughter," Grady pointed out.

"I'm not chasing after her," Keefe said. Sophie suspected he was itching to make a joke about how he'd already caught her, but instead he said "pursuing, maybe, because that sounds like...a more well-intentioned word than 'chasing' does. And...she means a lot to me. She always has."

"Yeah, that's what makes this so scary," Grady countered. "But...also respectable. My rules are pretty simple: the only reason you're allowed in her room now is because Sandor hears everything. So remember that. Also remember that you've hurt her before and I don't take kindly to those who harm my daughters."

There was a pretty distinct threat in there, considering Grady had Mesmerized Brant into burning off his own hand. But Grady also smiled kindly at Keefe. "Truthfully, we've suspected for a long time that this relationship would happen sooner or later. As long as you are done running away and are good to her, we won't have any problems. Just don't let your time together interfere with her studies—or yours for that matter."

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