Mystery Girl (Keefe POV)

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A/N: @birdfishy requested I write Keefe's POV of Sophie and Keefe's 'meet cute' from the first book.

It didn't take long for Keefe to grow unbelievably bored in his session.

Lady Belva wasn't exactly the most exciting Mentor, especially considering the fact that Keefe could get everything he needed to know to pass the class simply by skimming the textbook.

So he could hardly be blamed for slipping out while Lady Belva's back was turned.

At least when he was ditching, he could eat his way through a box of Prattles and enjoy the satisfaction of doing something his father would hate.

His dad couldn't stand it when Keefe put a toe out of line.

So he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, already untucked, just to make sure he didn't look too clean-cut or presentable, and sprawled across the bench in his favorite ditching spot.

He was sitting there, feeling perfectly at ease...until he wasn't.

It was the strangest thing. He'd been alone in the corridor, and then he was suddenly hit with a wave of panic. A second later, a wide-eyed girl in a level two uniform came around the corner.

She didn't seem to see him, but appeared to be lost in her own thoughts.

Her own panic.

The closer she came to him, the stronger the feeling got—giving him no doubt that he was picking up on her emotions.

But this was unprecedented. Apart from when he'd first manifested, he never felt someone's emotions without physical contact—or at least very close proximity. Especially someone he didn't even know.

This was the most interesting thing that had happened to him in this school. The other interesting things usually happened because of him—and his epic pranks.

He had to find out more about this girl who was stumbling through the halls in a blind panic.

"You must be lost."

The girl—who Keefe now realized must be the mysterious new girl Fitz had brought from the Forbidden Cities—blinked as though she were coming out of a daze as she stopped and noticed him for the first time.

Something seemed off about her at first, but he couldn't place it right away.

But as she opened her mouth to speak, he focused more intently on her face, and...her eyes were brown.

She was clearly an elf—she wouldn't be there if she weren't, for one thing, but she was also too cute to be human—but still, impossibly, her eyes were brown.

"How did you know?" She asked, pulling him back to reality.

He smirked. "It's the middle of session. Either you're lost, or you're ditching--and clearly you're not ditching."

"Why couldn't I be ditching?" She asked, almost sounding indignant.

"Are you?"


He grinned. Obviously. "You're the new girl, aren't you?"

She sighed and nodded.

Why did she sigh at that? She must be tired of introductions.

Too bad for her. He definitely wasn't passing up on this opportunity.

"I'm Keefe."

"Sophie--but I'm sure you already know that."

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