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A/N: A bonus honeymoon chapter from my main story, fitting in between "Conversations and Sketches" and "Friends".

Sophie awoke to Keefe's arms around her, her head resting on his chest.

It was amazing how quickly she'd grown accustomed to sleeping in his arms each night. They'd been married one week, now, and had easily found their rhythm.

Keefe was awake, too, and shifted so he could kiss her good morning.

"It's so much fun being married," he murmured. "I never want to wake up alone again."

She grinned. "Neither do I."

"Okay, Foster. I say we get up, and grab breakfast and take it out on our balcony to eat. We haven't spent much time out there and the view is nice." He smirked. "The view will be especially nice if you stay in those revealing pajamas of yours I'm growing so fond of."

Sophie just rolled her eyes. "I'm putting clothes on."

He sighed. "Fiiiine."

She giggled. Marriage had definitely brought out a new side of Keefe and she was a big fan of it.

It was very good for her self esteem.

So she leaned in and kissed him again before getting up.

Keefe had been right about how enjoyable breakfast on the balcony would be. She sensed a new habit forming--this was idyllic.

"What do you say to going swimming today?" Keefe asked, pulling her out of her reverie. "We waded in the pond a few days ago--and if you recall, you refused to take your pants off," he added with a pout--"but we haven't been back to the pond."

Sophie ignored the jibe, but loved the idea of going swimming, so she readily agreed.

"You know, I don't think I've really gone swimming like this since coming to the Lost Cities," she told him as they walked down to the pond a little while later.

"I did a lot of that when I moved to the Shores of Solace," he told her, contemplative. "Honestly that place was amazing and I loved that beach, but the entire situation was ruined by the company I had to keep there."

She squeezed his hand. "I know."

He looked down at her. "I would've invited everyone over for a swim party if I could've been sure that my dad wouldn't be around, but I never knew for sure when he'd be home and when he wouldn't. And no amount of beautiful black sand or sea water would be worth my friends having to put up with my dad."

"I would've come anyway."

He smiled at her. "I know, Foster."

They spent a very enjoyable morning swimming, laughing, splashing each other.

Then they spread towels out on the sand and laid down, letting the sun dry them as they talked. Sophie closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of the warm sun on her skin. She'd forgotten how relaxing it was, just lying out in the sun.

After a few minutes, the sun was blocked as Keefe sat up and leaned over her, casting her face in shadow. She opened her eyes to see him smirking down at her. "I thought you'd fallen asleep," he told her.

"Nope, just enjoying the sun." She reached for his face and pulled it down for a kiss.

"I was too, at first, but then I realized there was this incredibly gorgeous girl lying in the sand next to me, and suddenly the sun didn't matter so much anymore," he murmured in a low voice. But then he grinned. "But also, I'm getting hungry. I'm thinking lunch...then maybe a shower. Gotta get the sand out of our hair, you know."

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