Sophie (Grady POV)

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A/N: I've been wanting to write this for a while and finally got around to it. I think I may have even had a couple of requests for it at some point. This was going to be a one-shot but I just had a bit too much to say--so here's the first of two chapters detailing Grady's perspective of him and Edaline becoming Sophie's guardians.

Grady had just headed out to Havenfield's pastures when his Imparter rang. He knew who it would be before he even pulled it out of his pocket.

Edaline was in the house, getting ready to join him outside, and really only one other person hailed him with any regularity.

Well...maybe two.

But Kesler would already have opened Slurps and Burps by now and wasn't likely to have time for a chat.

So he wasn't at all surprised to see that it was Alden hailing him.

"Good morning, my friend," Alden said in his crisp voice. He was smiling, but something in his expression seemed off.

Grady smiled back, but knew that his smile would be off, too.

It had been for fifteen years.

But that didn't mean the smile wasn't genuine or that he wasn't pleased to hear from his friend.

Alden and Della were almost the only ones who still continued to persevere in their friendships with Grady and Edaline. And Grady was thankful for that, even though friendships and social interaction were just so...exhausting.

"Good morning," Grady finally replied.

"I have a bit of an odd request for you," Alden said cautiously. "Actually it's for you and Edaline. Is she nearby?"

"I'll go back inside and get her."

Once Grady and Edaline were settled side by side on the couch, Alden cleared his throat.

"Okay...try to hear me out. You know that sometimes, the things I investigate the record, so to speak?"

Grady nodded. Alden had hinted as much before, but had never shared any specifics. Grady knew what it was like as an Emissary—he had once been one as well—and knew Alden couldn't share details about his classified assignments. So ones that weren't strictly sanctioned by the Council would be even more cause for secrecy.

Even so, the news Alden shared—that he had been searching for a mystery girl in the Forbidden Cities—was very unexpected.

"Fitz has gone back to San Diego to retrieve Sophie now," Alden continued. "He's so excited he finally found her, I'm not sure he really understands how difficult this will be for her. She's...she's about to lose everything. Her family. Her whole life." Alden looked deeply sad for a moment. Then he cleared his throat and continued. "Della and I have petitioned the Council to have Sophie move in with us—it's the least we can do, since it's my fault she's suddenly an orphan. But the Council has said they need time to deliberate. They're...not very happy with me for conducting this search—and Bronte isn't happy he's been proven wrong—so we're not certain they'll allow it. I'd..." he dragged a hand down his face. "I'd like to recommend you two as a second option, if you think you're up for it. She needs a loving home, and Della and I would like it to be someone we trust."

There was a brief pause before Grady could summon the courage to look in Edaline's eyes.

He wanted to help this girl if possible—but only if Edaline felt she could handle it.

He was surprised by the look on Edaline's face. She looked worried, wary, and tired, but...also determined.


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