The Goodbye

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A/N: @sokeefeisadorable requested an alternate ending wherein Sophie, rather than Grady, walks in and discovers Keefe leaving Sophie's note at the end of Unlocked.

Sophie was feeling weary but pleased as she leapt back to Havenfield. Any uncertainty she'd had about her decision to ignite that fire had vanished after her talk with Mr. Forkle. He made it clear that she'd just made the stakes much higher, but he was also clear that he thought she'd done the right thing--the necessary thing--and even seemed to be proud of her.

Those thoughts were swirling around in her mind when she approached her bedroom door--and waited, of course, for Sandor to go in and check the room first.

She heard a sharp intake of breath--that did not sound like it came from Sandor--before Sandor's voice squeaked, "it's safe to come in, Miss Foster."

And standing there next to her bed--where Iggy's cage sat, Iggy's fur looking even crazier than usual--holding a piece of paper in his hands, was Keefe.

His eyes were wide as he stared back at her.

Almost like he hadn't intended her to find him there. But then...why was he there, if not to talk to her?

"Keefe?" she asked, wanting that look of shock and desperation and, for some reason, intense sadness on his face to go away. "I'm so glad you're here, I have so much to tell you, I..." but her voice trailed off as she realized he was shaking. She wanted to close the distance between them and hug him, but was afraid getting any closer--especially physical contact--would be too much for his empathy right now.

Keefe closed his eyes and looked like he was breathing fast.

Sophie would have backed away, but she was already standing in her doorway. I know you're afraid to talk, she transmitted. But can we talk this way?

Keefe bit his lip and ran a hand through his hair, but nodded. She opened her mind to his thoughts, expecting him to start a conversation immediately--to explain why he was there and why he looked so freaked out--but instead, his mind was oddly silent.

Well...silent wasn't the right word. His thoughts were racing and scrambled and panicked, but they were all the thoughts buzzing in the back of his mind. He seemed to be trying to clear the front of his mind of any thoughts, any words.

It made her want to push deeper to see what he was thinking, see the thoughts he was trying to hide. But he was trusting her not to violate his trust.

Even so, she couldn't help all of it. She couldn't ignore the images that flashed through his mind.

She saw Ro, looking up at him, bound hand and foot. What?!

She also saw Kesler and one of the triplets--was it Rex or Lex? She couldn't tell.

She saw Candleshade.

And her own face.

Again and again. Her face. Her brown eyes.

"What's wrong?" she whispered, not even remembering to transmit it.

I...Keefe sank onto her bed.

You what? she asked, transmitting this time.

I just...wanted to change Iggy's fur. What do you think?

She took a few cautious steps forward, watching Keefe carefully to make sure she wasn't overwhelming him. Peering more closely at Iggy, she couldn't help but giggle at how crazy he looked.

You know, she admitted, after a day like today, this was the perfect thing to come home to.

A day like today? He asked.

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