Cognate Inquisition (Fitz POV)

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Try as he might, Fitz could not access any hidden memories or hidden information in Wylie's mind. Tiergan told him--and he agreed--that the only way to stand a chance of achieving it safely was with a fully-functioning Cognate pair.

It was time for him and Sophie to complete their Inquisition and hope that it worked.

He felt confident that it would. The more he'd thought about it, the more he realized just how responsible he was for this breach in their trust. In their relationship.

He should've been more sensitive to her need for privacy, her fear of total honesty.

He should've been more sensitive about a lot of things.

So the biggest issue here was Fitz's need to apologize again. And he felt certain she would forgive him. Sophie wasn't the type to hold grudges.

And he suspected he knew what she'd be asking him about, and he was prepared for it.

The only thing he was uncertain of was how she'd respond when he asked about Keefe.

He knew they were close. And when Fitz and Sophie had started the Inquisition, and Keefe was still in hiding, Fitz just...knew he needed to ask about it. Something in him just felt that he had to ask. Her connection with Keefe had always been close. Was it getting in the way of their Cognate bond somehow? Not so much how close they were—Fitz truly did not begrudge them the strength of their friendship—but with Keefe gone and Sophie missing him...was it making her more closed off?

Even so, the way her mind had burned like the sun when he'd mentioned Keefe's name...

He'd automatically recoiled from the intensity of it.

Why had the mere mention of Keefe's name caused such a strong reaction? It was like nothing else, no other reaction they'd had had been that strong.

And it worried him a little. But he didn't know what to make of it.

So Fitz took a deep breath and hailed Sophie.

But she didn't answer.

He kept trying, and she never answered.

Well...this couldn't wait. Time was running out on Vespera's timeline. So he leapt to Havenfield. Grady and Edaline let him in, but told him Sophie was somewhere on the grounds.

Was she with Keefe?

"I need to find her," he said, quickly explaining the situation.

Flori approached him. "I believe I know where she is. I'll go find her and bring her to the house."

So Fitz went inside and waited in the living room with Grady and Edaline, giving them more details on what had happened with Wylie.

Eventually, Flori brought Sophie in...with Keefe at her heels. Keefe flashed his usual smirk, looking perfectly at ease. Peaceful, even.

Sophie, however, looked incredibly uncomfortable.

She must really be dreading completing their Inquisition. Keefe seemed all for skipping it, but he didn't really understand the way telepathy worked.

For some reason, it seemed like it took a telepathic conversation between the two of them to convince him to give them privacy.

Eventually, though, they managed to clear the room so they could complete this process in peace.

Do you want to start? He asked her. I figured that might help ease you in a little--but if you'd rather have me go first, I can.

No, your plan is probably smart. She paused. Okay...for me, there were really only two things. It seemed like it bothered you that I'm trying to step up as a leader.

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