Pyrokinetic (Jolie POV)

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A/N: I think it was @charlottepiggy who requested some Jolie & Brant content, so here it is!

Just a warning...this one is going to be tough.

Jolie couldn't remember ever feeling so nervous.

She felt like her whole world was falling apart. She'd gone back and forth with herself, utterly heartbroken when she'd realized that Brant had joined the organization that was causing trouble for the Black Swan.

That Brant had tried to recruit her.

Brant was secretly a Pyrokinetic.

Brant had tried to get her to torch a human nuclear facility and had burned her when she'd refused...and then had tried to have her memories of the event washed.


The boy she'd loved since she was six years old.

Fourteen years she'd been in love with him, spilled all her secrets, gave her heart to him so fully. And he'd always done the same with her.

Or so she'd thought.

He couldn't help what he was. Couldn't help the ability he manifested. It wasn't his fault, and she wasn't really convinced that banning pyrokinesis was the best decision.

It had certainly made Brant angry. She had thought he was angry at not manifesting an ability. At knowing he'd face an eternity of judgment for that and for being a bad match.

But now she knew he was also angry that he had an ability that was banned.

But why would he keep it from her? Why would he not have told her? Not trusted her with that information?

It had been a few days, and she hadn't seen him since. She'd been leaping to Havenfield whenever she could, just to talk with Vertina. As far as Brant knew, she was still in the Silver Tower.

Jolie knew Vertina was just a mirror, but...sometimes Vertina felt like the only one she could trust.

She couldn't quite explain it, but felt she needed to leave a trail. Needed to leave some information behind, just in case.

In case of what, she didn't really know.

But she knew working for the Black Swan would be a risk.

Part of her wished she hadn't. Then she wouldn't have tried to go double agent. She wouldn't have discovered the secrets Brant had been hiding.

Ever since she found out, she'd been beside herself. She couldn't sleep. She had even resorted to hiding the dark circles under her eyes with glimmer dust so no one would know.

After she found out, she'd asked her mother how to handle finding out someone wasn't who she'd thought. She hoped her mom wouldn't realize who she was talking about.

Her mom's advice had been to decide whether to forgive the person or walk away.

Jolie was terrified by the prospect, but had seriously been considering walking away.

But...this was Brant.

She'd vowed to love him no matter what.

And now?

She had just left Havenfield after telling her mom she was considering walking away.

And had been given the best advice she'd ever gotten.

Her mom had told her not to ever be driven by fear. To make decisions with more logic and reason. She had told Jolie that her emotions could be an asset—could be there to tell her something that instinct sensed even if the rest of her didn't—but that those emotions should not be the driving force behind a major decision.

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