Head vs Heart (Keefe POV)

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They had probably only been asleep for a couple of hours when Keefe was startled awake by the overwhelming panic and, for some reason, grief coming from Sophie.

Not to mention the fact that she seemed to having some sort of fit in her sleep. She was shaking, or twitching, or something. Like maybe she was having a nightmare and trying to wake herself up.

Keefe didn't take the time to think about any of that. He sat up, reaching for Sophie, trying to wake her.

He was surprised when she wouldn't wake.

He begged.

He tried to force her body to be still.

And he panicked.

Maybe he should hail Elwin. He'd never experienced anything like this and was in a blind panic wondering what on earth could be happening.

One more try. Then he'd get up and grab his Imparter from their desk.

"Sophie! Sophie, please, please wake up," he begged in desperation.

Finally, her body stilled. She seemed to wake up, but still wasn't herself. She was sobbing and nearly hyperventilating.

Her eyes were open, but it was like she couldn't see him. She wouldn't focus her gaze on him.

Was this a panic attack?

Keefe didn't understand.

He did the only thing that made sense.

"Sophie?" he asked, unsure if she could even hear him. "Sophie, love, if you can hear me--turn on your enhancing. Can you do that for me?" He reached out and gently brushed her hair off her face before reaching for her hands. Hoping, hoping she could get enough control of herself to enhance him.

After a moment, he felt the now familiar rush of clarity that came with his empathy being enhanced. It unfortunately made her emotions even stronger than before, but he ignored that as he breathed a sigh of relief.  He immediately sent refreshing breezes into her mind.

He could feel that it was helping. Slowly, her tears slowed and her breathing returned to normal.

And thankfully, she eventually focused her gaze on him.

However, her face looked anguished even as she turned off her enhancing.

He reached up to stroke her cheek, relieved but still concerned, too.

"What happened, Sophie? It's like a nightmare turned into a full-on panic attack, but you still weren't even awake. I was about to hail Elwin; I couldn't wake you."

He watched as she shed a few more tears. "You...love me?" she asked, sounding shockingly uncertain.

What? He didn't understand why she was asking him that. He stroked her cheek again and replied, "you know I do."

"Please," she begged him in a whisper. "Please tell me you still love me."

Keefe was flummoxed. What was wrong? "Sophie. I love you. Why do you doubt it?"

She slowly shook her head. "In my dream, you...you left me."

"You mean I left again?"

"Not the Lost Cities. Just me. You left me. You hated me."

That would never, ever, ever happen. He didn't feel like he'd be able to breathe without Sophie in his life. Didn't she know that?

"Sophie." He ducked his head down and kissed her. "Sophie. I love you. Many times I thought you would wind up hating me and you always assured me you never could. And now I'll tell you the same thing: I could never hate you. More than that...I could never stop loving you."

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