Flashback 21: part 2 (Keefe POV)

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Bracing himself for a whole new level of vulnerability, Keefe showed them the memory of everyone celebrating after year two midterm exams. His mom was noticeably absent. His dad was there, but far from hugging him like other parents were doing with their kids, he had a tight—almost painfully tight—grip on Keefe's wrist as he tried to drag Keefe away.

Until Alden came to ask why they were leaving and ask Cassius to give Keefe a break after doing so incredibly well.

But when he invited them out to Everglen and Cassius refused, Alden reached out and took Keefe by the shoulder and told him how proud he was of him.

And this was the part present-day Keefe had hoped to avoid.

The way his head became an explosion of emotions after hearing Alden say that.

Oh wow, Foster thought. It felt overwhelming to her. That's how strong that rush of emotions had been.

Yeah, Keefe said. Even his mental voice was quiet. No one had ever told me that before, so...

And your dad felt it, since he had his hand wrapped around your wrist.

Pretty much. And you saw how happy he was about it.

Foster felt that cute sad/angry combo again.

Fitz's emotions were all over the place as he swore under his breath—calling Keefe's dad a very colorful name.

Keefe picked up on anger, sadness, compassion, love—he assumed that was Fitz's love for Alden for showing kindness to Keefe—regret, disbelief, concern and curiosity.

You okay over there, Fitzy? Your moods keep shifting on me.

I'm fine. I'm just...trying to understand why you never told me about any of this once we became best friends. You could've said something.

He could've. And he slowly, over time, did reveal more about his home life.

He'd trusted Fitz with that knowledge in a way he'd never done with anyone else until Foster came along.

I know, Keefe told him, fidgeting slightly. He could feel Fitz's disappointment that his best friend hadn't confided in him. The thing is...talking about it made it real. I didn't want it to be real. I wanted to pretend my life was as perfect as yours.

My life isn't perfect, Fitz argued.

Maybe not. But it's pretty close, dude. I mean, yeah, Alvar's a creep—but you still have your dad. And your mom. And Biana. And you're still the top of our class. And you're Foster's Cognate and...even without all of that, you're still a Vacker. You're always going to be the golden boy everyone expects greatness from. And I'll always be the mess.

Keefe felt Fitz's indignation, but Foster spoke up before he could.

You're not a mess. He could feel how much she meant it, and how much Fitz agreed.

And he loved them for it, but they were wrong.

Oh, I am, Foster. The more we do this, the more you'll see. And that's fine. I can't pretend everything's normal anymore. Too much has happened.

Then why still hide some of your memories? Fitz asked him.

Because those memories were irrelevant to the current situation.

No one needed to know he was ridiculously enamored with Foster, or the pain that caused him.

So he just snorted a humorless laugh. Because I'd actually like to keep you guys as friends.

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