Ro: part 2 (Keefe POV)

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When Keefe and Sophie leapt back to Havenfield, they went straight back into the house looking for Grady, hoping he'd have some news for them.

"Welcome home!" Edaline's voice called out as she came toward them from the kitchen. "How did it go?"

Keefe shrugged. "I got her stuff all packed up. I figured I'd take it to her if—when—we are allowed to go see her. She won't need it at Shores of Solace anymore, I won't be living there again." Keefe couldn't keep the bitterness out of his voice as he thought of how awful living with his father had always been. "I guess I need to figure out a more permanent living situation soon, I can't keep living with the gnomes forever. But that doesn't matter right now. Has Grady heard anything yet?"

"Not that I've heard. I'm sure he'll hail you as soon as he knows something. But for now..." Edaline snapped her fingers and a tray of mallowmelt appeared on the small table by the couch. "There's not much I can do to help you right now but I know you love mallowmelt."

"Especially YOUR mallowmelt!!" Keefe exclaimed happily. "And trust me, it helps a lot! Having people around me that care makes a big difference."

Edaline gave Keefe a grateful and affectionate smile before turning to leave the room.

But she must've given Foster a look, because Keefe felt her mood shift to embarrassment. He took a large bite of mallowmelt and looked at Foster, eyebrows raised.

"It's nothing," she said. "I just have a feeling she wants some 'girl talk' soon and that's just...all kinds of awkward."

Keefe's thoughts drifted to the very intense kiss they'd shared a few minutes ago--and all the questions it raised for him--and he knew she was thinking about it, too. The atmosphere between them became very charged.

But Keefe recovered quickly. He wasn't quite ready to bring up those questions--not when there was the very real possibility of other listening ears. Talking about that when Grady or Edaline might hear was a scary thought.

Plus, he felt in full command of himself, so he might as well tease Foster a little.

"What, you don't want to tell her all about how you can't seem to keep your eyes—or your hands—off of me?" He asked mischievously.

Foster rolled her eyes. "As if," she scoffed.

Nope. Not buying it.

"Maybe you overestimate the effect..."

But then she went quiet as Keefe, eyes smoldering, leaned in close and placed one hand over hers with only the lightest touch. Slowly, and without breaking eye contact, he trailed his hand lightly up her arm and across her shoulder until it came to rest on her cheek.

Her breath seemed to catch, and he could feel her mood shift. He'd made her speechless again and she was getting very fluttery.

So naturally, he had to milk that for all it was worth. He leaned in even closer, bringing his lips nearly to hers before whispering "what was that you were saying about how I overestimate the effect I have on you?"

She didn't say anything--Keefe suspected she still hadn't recovered her voice--but just stared at him with an adorable blush coloring her cheeks. Not to mention the fact that she was breathing a bit faster than normal or the delicate little shiver that ran through her.

There was definitely no denying the effect he had on her--and Keefe loved it.

He leaned back, giving her some breathing room, and smirked at her. "That's what I thought."

He couldn't help but feel a little smug.

But it wasn't just smugness. He also felt...elated.


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