Alternate Ending: Lodestar 38

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@NavdeepGupta8 requested this continuation of my AE that began with Neverseen 77-78 and continued with Lodestar 2.

Sophie didn't know how to manage leaping away to talk to Keefe with Fitz coming along, but she didn't have much choice. Plus, she was really worried about what he'd been up to since she'd seen him at Foxfire.

Their check-ins didn't usually tell her much.

She trusted him. She really did.

She wouldn't have kissed him again if she hadn't trusted him, right?

She wouldn't have willingly worn that Neverseen cloak, wouldn't have crouched down while he set off the device that caused the shock wave in Magnate Leto's office, if she hadn't trusted him.

But having your friend--or was he her boyfriend???--infiltrating the enemy made everything so complicated.

Particularly since she couldn't tell anyone, and Fitz was still there, being really thoughtful and kind. She knew her crush on Fitz wasn't what it used to be, but was hard to forget.

Especially when he was there and Keefe was not.

Even so, the moment she'd seen that bead waiting on her bed, her heart had started racing at the thought of seeing Keefe again.

And wondered how bad his news was going to be. And felt sick at the thought of him potentially being involved in Wylie's abduction.

So it was with no lack of trepidation that she took Fitz's hand and stepped into the light.

And there was Keefe, who hadn't been joking about his next plan involving something stinky.

Selkie skin was deeply unpleasant.

But more importantly, Sophie swore she'd forever have nightmares of seeing Keefe in that stupid Neverseen cloak.

And he was smirking, and teasing them about being Fitzphie.

But there was a silent question in his gaze when their eyes met.


Let him squirm a little.

Because if he'd been involved with the attack on Wylie, even in the smallest way possible...

There would be no turning back from that.

He must have picked up on her wavering emotions, because his whole face fell as he whispered, "you're back to not trusting me again? I know I was wrong about my warning--but wasn't that a good thing?"

Fitz sure didn't think so.

And Sophie didn't blame him. Keefe hadn't warned them about the right thing.

They could've protected Wylie if they'd known.

But Keefe turned noticeably pale when they told him what had happened. He assured them that not only did he have nothing to do with it, he hadn't even known it was going to happen.

Sophie hated seeing how badly this had affected Keefe and Fitz's friendship. She knew Keefe hated it too--and honestly, she could see the toll it took on Fitz.

She really hoped they'd be able to make amends when this was all over.

She also really wished she could get a moment alone with Keefe.

But they really needed to get down to business, and Keefe finally seemed to understand that they needed to see what he'd been up to.

"I'll give you five minutes to look around my memories--but Wonderboy has to sit this one out."

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