Important (Dex POV)

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A/N: A bonus chapter from my main story, fitting between "Shock" and "Dex".

It was late and Dex was just climbing into bed in his room in the Gold Tower.

He had spent hours at Watchward Heath, looking through the captured images—none of which had been Kenric—and altering the search.

It wasn't until Biana had fallen asleep in the chair next to him that he realized how late it was—and how exhausted he was.

He'd finished what he was doing and then turned to Biana, studying her for just a moment before he needed to wake her.

Not for the first time, he was struck by just how beautiful she was.

He'd always known that much. She was easily the most beautiful girl at Foxfire from the first day she'd entered it. But now? Now that he knew her, really knew her, it only added to her beauty.

Ever since Sophie and Keefe announced their engagement, and told everyone they'd be marrying and living off campus while completing their elite levels, it had really gotten Dex thinking.

He and Biana had already had some very serious conversations about their future. They'd decided not to register for the match. They'd even decided--she had decided, really, and announced it to Dex unprompted--that when they married someday (and Dex still marveled at the fact that it was a 'when' and not an 'if') she would be taking his name.

And the two words that Keefe had kept repeating were stuck in Dex's mind.

Why wait?

He loved Biana, He knew they would be together forever. He was distracted when they were apart.

Sometimes he was distracted when she was around, too, but it was different.

Dex had a plan. Biana had plans with Linh and Marella the next day, and he was going to use that time to go speak with Alden. He'd already hailed Alden, asking if he could meet with him privately to discuss something important.

Alden and Della already knew that they planned to marry, but Dex wanted them to be aware of his specific plans.

With all of this on his mind, he knew he needed to go get a few hours of sleep before a big day tomorrow. So he leaned over and brushed a hand lightly up and down Biana's arm as he kissed her forehead. "Hey," he said quietly when her eyes fluttered open. "It's late. Let's go."

They leapt back to the towers and he kissed her goodnight before going to their separate rooms.

He fell asleep almost the moment his head hit the pillow.

The next morning, Dex leapt to Everglen. Alden welcomed him into his study with a strange look in his eyes.

They sat down facing each other. Dex couldn't quite suppress a smile as he said, "well, judging by the look on your face, I think you know why I'm here."

Alden's smile was both joyful and wistful. "Yes, I think I do."

"Then I'll get right to it. I'd like to propose to Biana soon. I'm thinking probably after midterms, so not for several more weeks. But now that I've decided, I wanted you to know."

Alden nodded. "And what's the plan after that?"

"I don't know for sure, that's up to Biana. But what I'll suggest is getting married soon after finals and having the school break to move to our own estate and have plenty of time before beginning our final year of school."

Alden sighed. "I knew Sophie and Keefe getting married so young would give you ideas."

But he said it with a warm smile, so Dex knew Alden wasn't actually upset.

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