Hero (Keefe POV)

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Before Keefe could even leap to Foxfire the next day, Magnate Leto had hailed him and given him an assignment.

He and Biana were to spread the rumor that Sophie, Fitz and Dex were all off doing different Black Swan assignments.

Dex would stay home until his arm could come out of the sling, and obviously Sophie and Fitz would be much longer in the Healing Center, but the Council didn't want anyone knowing there had been another attack.

But Keefe was still determined to thank Dex again for protecting their friends.

So after study hall, Keefe hailed Dex and asked if he could come see him.

Dex hesitated. "I...don't often have friends here. I'm totally up for hanging out, but are you sure you wouldn't rather I come to you? It's usually chaotic here."

Keefe laughed. "I'm fine either way, but in my personal opinion...I'll take the triplets over Daddy Dearest."

"Good point," Dex said. "Okay. Rimeshire it is. Just...prepare yourself for their chaos."

The beauty of Rimeshire far outweighed the chaos the triplets caused.

Juline was there, and managed to convince the triplets to run off some energy outside--plied with snacks--so Keefe and Dex could hang out in relative peace.

"So, you decided not to kill him?" Keefe teased Juline.

She rolled her eyes. "I guess I've grown rather attached to him over the years. But honestly...if he'd told us where they were going, we could've sent a lot more backup. And believe me, he's assured me that next time, he'll tell us."

"Good." Keefe wanted to wish there wouldn't be a next time, but knew there probably would be.

And he wanted to be a part of it.

He owed the Neverseen big time for almost killing Fitz and Sophie.

In Dex's room—Ro successfully convinced to wait outside for once—Keefe thanked him again for the way he handled things when Foster's panic switch went off.

"You know," he added. "The rest of us were basically doing a whole lot of nothing, and then you...even while making that Warden for Alvar, you were quietly making weapon stashes and preparing for another attack. And you don't even act like you want credit."

"I don't. I hate that I have to think that way. I hate that we're going to be training to fight. I hate that I'm realizing I may end up killing someone--or trying to--before this is all over."

"I know," Keefe said quietly.

"But listen," Dex said, his face serious. "I have actually been wanting to talk to you too."

Keefe couldn't be sure, since he and Dex weren't in physical contact, but Dex seemed slightly uncomfortable.

"Normally, I don't like to bring up stuff like this, I prefer not to push into other peoples' private business--even with Sophie, and she's my best friend."

"Okay well for one thing, you have me pretty freaked out, but for another, if Foster is your best friend, then you should feel comfortable enough bringing up private, serious things, unless she actually asks you to back off. I do that to her all the time."

Dex rolled his eyes. "I know. Between you and Fitz...I feel like she doesn't get much privacy. That's probably why I choose not to push her on stuff. But back to you." He took a deep breath. "Keefe...watching you yesterday...it was awful. I'm sure Sophie has done a good job cheering you up, but I wanted to talk to you about it too. And I'm sorry, I know we're not that close, but I just can't sit back and watch you hate yourself. You're a good guy, Keefe, in spite of how awful your parents are. You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are, you should be--"

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