Father/Son Talk (Fitz POV)

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He knew he was hiding in his room too much, but he couldn't seem to stop.

He just wasn't ready to admit the truth to his family.

They had all assumed—Fitz included—that Sophie would become a Vacker someday.

He knew she'd been hesitant when he'd told her he wanted to get back together, but had assumed she just needed time to learn to trust him again. He hadn't realized she'd been battling conflicting feelings.

But now it was clear that she'd had feelings for Keefe, and that after they'd broken up, those feelings had started to take over.

He'd suspected, before, that maybe Keefe had liked Sophie, but he really hadn't thought much of it.

Keefe had made it clear to Fitz from the start that he didn't reciprocate Biana's feelings. Said he wanted he and Fitz to be on the same page. So Fitz had assumed that meant that Keefe would tell him if he'd formed a serious attachment to someone.

Keefe had joked about Sophie being cute and about winning her over, but he'd never once told Fitz that his feelings for her were serious, were genuine. Fitz figured that was just Keefe trying to dissuade Biana—while also teasing Sophie, since Sophie was so easy to tease.

Fitz knew that Keefe was wanting to talk and clear the air, but he wasn't ready for that yet. He was so busy replaying every moment in his mind.

All his moments with Sophie. Surely those had been real, regardless of the situation now.

Kicking himself for doing exactly what Biana had feared—letting matchmaking get in the way.

But Fitz knew Sophie. And when she'd told him about her feelings for Keefe during their Inquisition, he could tell it was...well, final. At least, final for her and Fitz.

She'd been nervous—afraid he'd get angry, afraid it would ruin their bond as Cognates—but she'd also been certain. She'd made her choice, and she'd chosen Keefe.

And then when they went to search for Elysian—he'd seen it for himself. And he could look back on several times the last few years and see the truth he'd been ignoring.

That Sophie had obviously been ignoring, too, until recently.

She was comfortable with Keefe in a way she'd never really been with him.

That hurt.

But it was undeniable now that he took the time to consider it.

But thankfully, she'd hailed him when Vespera convinced her to go back.

After all that had happened, she still trusted him.

He was going to cling to that. He refused to lose Sophie's friendship, no matter how betrayed he currently felt--by both of them. And he was not going to let it break their connection as Cognates either. His dad still regretted losing that professional connection with Quinlin.

He'd been a jerk one too many times, but not now. Not this. Sophie had every right to be with whoever made her happy.

He just really wanted it to be him.

But also...Keefe's life had been really rough. Fitz didn't understand why Keefe had to hone in on Sophie, of all people, but...if she would make him happy...Keefe deserved that. He needed that.

Fitz just didn't know how to move past it. Keefe was his best friend, and he didn't want to lose that, but also couldn't picture hanging out with Keefe again yet. Not with the reality of Sophie and Keefe's relationship hanging over him.

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