Gildingham (Sandor POV)

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A/N: this chapter written per  @justhereforsokeefe 's request!  This takes place during Lodestar.

Sandor knew that being a bodyguard would mean rarely being home.

He even knew there was often the distinct possibility of needing to come home for the Aurification of a friend or comrade.

But one thing he had not ever considered was the possibility of the threat against his charge being so great that the family would have to flee their home and go into hiding.

But there was no denying that the safest place for them would be Gildingham.

And watching Miss Foster's obvious surprise had been rather amusing.

He'd shown them to their rooms and was giving them a chance to unwind and wrap their heads around the sudden change to their routines. Before long, there was a knock at the door announcing Grizel's arrival with their belongings.

One look at the grief on Grizel's face was enough to splinter Sandor's heart into even more pieces.

Sometimes it was really hard to be objective, even for a goblin.

"Sandor..." she said in a pained voice as she handed over the items she'd brought from the Lost Cities.

Sandor set the bags down and pulled Grizel into his arms, holding her as she sobbed. She clung tightly to him.

And he felt his walls starting to crumble.

"I'm sorry," Grizel whispered, her voice thick. "When the news first came through, all anyone could tell me was that a soldier was down at Havenfield. And I thought..."

"I don't deserve your worry." Sandor's voice was choked with fury. "I wasn't there when Brielle and Cadoc needed me. I was pacing in front of Lumenaria like a fool."

"Staying with your charge doesn't make you foolish," Grizel told him. "I would've done the same thing."

"Which proves we're both blindly stubborn beyond all reason, not that it was the right decision."

Grizel laughed softly. "The stubborn I'll agree to. But the blind part might fall squarely on you."

"I'm...not as blind as you think."

He said the words almost before thinking about it. But he couldn't take them back now—and if he were honest with himself, he didn't really want to.

He really just wanted to plow right on ahead and give in fully to all the feelings he'd been fighting.

"I couldn't stop you from being assigned to Fitz," he whispered, his tone suddenly much warmer. "But have you ever wondered why I assigned Brielle to watch over Grady?"

"I...figured it was because she was an incredible soldier," Grizel said carefully.

"She was. But we both know that charge should've gone to you. Given the rarity of Grady's talent, he needed our strongest warrior. I should've assigned you to protect him and moved Brielle to Everglen. But"--he cleared the catch from his throat--"I worried what would happen if we lived in such close quarters."

"Afraid I'd play too many games?"

"Afraid you'd win," he corrected softly.

"Is that really so frightening?" she whispered.

He cleared his throat again. "I chose the life of a soldier. And soldiers are strongest when they have nothing distracting them--nothing slowing their hand or forcing caution when the battle calls for risk."

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