The Question (Keefe POV)

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A/N: A Keefe POV of the chapter (by the same name) from my main story.

Celebrations were well underway at Foxfire, signifying the end of finals and the end of another school year.

There was significantly less partying in the Elite Towers, so Keefe and Fitz had quickly come to join the rest of their friends in the cafeteria.

Keefe had been shocked to see his dad, and even more shocked that Cassius had come to congratulate rather than chastise.

But he really didn't want to think about it. He had big plans tonight.

Fitz mercifully diverted the attention away from Keefe and Cassius by pointing out the comfortable way in which his parents and the Dizznees were talking.

Keefe could feel Sophie's happiness as she watched them.

So, you freaking out yet? Fitz's voice filled Keefe's mind.

Maybe a little.

You already have a ring on her finger, Fitz reminded him.

Keefe smirked at him. So do you. So does Dex.

Fitz rolled his eyes. Not that kind of ring, and you know it. Plus she doesn't wear our rings all the time—not even her panic switch anymore. And you've talked about your future, even talked about having kids. She's not going to say no.

I don't think she will either, but she might. She might ask me to wait and propose later.

We've been through this. She'll say yes. I'm not even an Empath and I can tell how much she loves you. Honestly, the two of you make me sick sometimes. You're just afraid she'll want to have a long engagement, while you are obviously hoping she'll want to marry you right away.


Trust me, Keefe, you have nothing to worry about.

I hope you're--

But then they realized Sophie was watching them and they both jumped. Fitz closed the connection.

They denied it when she asked what was going on.

At least she didn't press them on it, and agreed to leap back to Havenfield early. Fitz winked at Keefe and mouthed 'good luck' as they turned to leave.

Back at Havenfield, Keefe was trying to keep his cool as they saw Edaline and Grady prepping for the party.

Sophie was all for helping them decorate, but thankfully Edaline was adamant that they not help set up for their own dinner party.

Because Edaline and Grady both knew Keefe's plan.

Don't freak out. She loves you. Don't freak out.

Keefe tugged on her hand and asked her to take a walk with him.

He led her toward the Grove, struggling to pay attention to the conversation, his thoughts so consumed with the question he was about to ask her.

Especially since her chosen topic of discussion was the fact that his dad had shown up at Foxfire.

Not exactly the way he wanted this conversation to go.

So he directed her thoughts back to the two of them, to their relationship, and brought up that little stuffed elf he'd gotten her.

He knew how much she loved it, and knew talking about it would get her emotions on the track he wanted them on.

And it worked. They began reminiscing, going over those details of the days preceding the start of their romantic relationship. Sophie's emotions were light-hearted and content as they talked. They had already gone over all of this right after they started dating, but it was nice to remember it now, to feel the warmth that came from Foster every time they discussed their relationship. Their first kiss.

It was certainly putting her in the right frame of mind for his plans.

As they entered the clearing, discussing how he'd have unthinkingly pulled her into his arms and kissed her in that hotel in London if his empathy hadn't shut down, Keefe felt like his nervousness and excitement had a life of its own. It was almost a living, breathing thing.

So naturally, he leaned in and softly kissed her.

Sometimes, kissing her filled him with excitement—the kind that was hard to rein in, the kind that made him very aware of her and made it hard to think straight.

And sometimes—like right now—it calmed him.

The familiar feel of her lips against his, of her arms around his neck, her emotions sweet and warm, soothed his nerves.

This girl was home and comfort to Keefe in a very real and tangible way.

He was Keefe and she was Sophie and they were very much in love.

It was time to take the next step.

So he told her they wouldn't be interrupted this time, like they had been during their first kiss.

And even went so far as to assure her that Flori was standing guard to make sure no one entered the clearing.

Then he pulled her in closer, told her--for about the zillionth time--that he loved her, and kissed her again.

He knew she had registered the new intensity with which he had told her he loved her, even though she hadn't guessed, yet, what was causing it. All he was picking up from her was an overwhelming contentment. She was happy.

That fortified his resolve.

He made her happy. Made her feel safe. She felt so certain of him, of their relationship.

Everything was perfect.

It was time.

Only slightly nervous now, he leaned back to smile at her in the fading light. "I once told you that I could never be stuck with you and that I would someday make you see that. Do you remember?"

He sure remembered. It was right after her ability reset, and she was trying to convince him to go home and get some rest, insisting that he shouldn't be stuck with her. She hadn't understood, yet, how very much she meant to him.

She remembered too. She nodded, and he could pick up a bit of confusion from her now.

She knew something was coming, but didn't know what. And he wasn't going to keep her waiting.

So he reached into his pocket, grasping Jolie's engagement ring. "Well, I really hope I've been successful. It'll sure make this next part a lot easier."

Then he knelt down--feeling both romantic and cheesy at the same time--and held out the ring. He struggled to find his voice--being overcome, for once, by his own emotions--but managed to breathlessly ask the question he'd had on his mind since the moment he'd realized he was in love with her.

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster...will you marry me?"

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