Don't Worry (Keefe POV)

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A/N: I was going to tag some people in this but I had way too many requests for it. This post begins telling Keefe's POV of his and Sophie's trek with Silveny to and from the High Seas hideout towards the end of Exile. This arc is told in four chapters.

Keefe hadn't been home very long when his Imparter rang--and he was pleasantly surprised to see it was Foster hailing him.

She seemed apprehensive when she explained that she needed his help--and oh how he liked that--and that they'd be going on an adventure with Silveny.

Well...she hadn't called it an adventure. She'd just said they'd be flying somewhere, that Grady and Edaline didn't want her going alone, and that she'd fill him in when he leapt back to Havenfield.

It was just as well she hadn't given him details yet, because his dad stopped him on his way to the vortinator and demanded to know where he was going so late in the evening.

And Keefe really didn't even have to lie as his dad grabbed his arm to read his emotions. Keefe was able to keep it vague because his understanding of the change in situation was vague.

His dad was going to refuse to let him go--probably only because he could sense how thrilled Keefe was that Foster needed him--but thankfully, his mom stepped in.

"Let him go, Cassius. He's actually doing something useful, which you always complain doesn't happen often enough with him. Don't stand in the way of it now."

His father eyed her carefully, thinking.

"Okay. I can see that your mother is pleased, at least. You'd better make sure she and I are both pleased by whatever help you're able to offer Miss Foster and the female alicorn tonight." Then he gestured to the brand new Sencen crest pinned to Keefe's cape and told him to ensure that it was tightly fastened so it didn't get lost.

Keefe offered his dad a mock salute and exchanged a quick goodbye with his mom before leaping to Havenfield.

When Foster explained the situation, Keefe was momentarily in shock. "So, let me get this straight. We don't know where we're going, or how long it's going to take us to get there, and we're flying to meet the Black Swan--who may or may not be evil murderers--and this whole thing could be a trap?"

"Pretty much," she agreed nervously, tugging on her cloak. He was glad that she'd also dressed warmly--flying long distances on an alicorn at night was likely to be cold.

"Awesome! 'Bout time this project got a bit more exciting." He glanced at Sandor, who looked extremely agitated. "Don't worry, Gigantor. I'll keep her safe."

"You'd better."

"And your parents didn't have any concerns with you going?" Grady asked him. "You did tell them, right?"

"Of course I told them. Sheesh--you act like I'm some sort of troublemaker." He winked, hoping to ease the tension. "Seriously though, they were fine with it. Well, once my dad asked me ten thousand questions to make sure I wasn't heading off to recreate the Great Gulon Incident or something."

He felt as Foster's anxiety heightened. "You told your dad about--"

"Relax. I only told him that you had to fly with Silveny somewhere and your parents didn't want you to go alone." He looked her directly in the eyes--willing himself not to get distracted by how rich and warm they were--and said, "I got your back, Foster."

"Thank you," she whispered.

Keefe marched over to Silveny's enclosure. "So, we ready to do this? What do you think, Glitter Butt?" He reached through the bars and let her nuzzle his hands, relishing in how the alicorn had come to trust him so easily. This kept him occupied while he waited for Foster to finish her lengthy goodbye with her parents.

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