Alternate Ending: Legacy 4 (part 2)

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Faint pink colored Keefe's cheeks, and Sophie caught a glimpse of that scared boy he always tried to hide.

Was he scared...because of her?

"Well..." he mumbled, looking away. "I know you aren't sure how you feel about it. And I don't blame you for that. I always figured if you decided you wanted to be a good match, I'd register and hope seeing my name on your list would cause you to consider it...consider me. And if you don't register...I'm not sure I would either. At least, not if you wanted to be with me. There wouldn't be any point."

"You wouldn't care about being a bad match?" She blurted out.

"No, why would I? Being a good match didn't make my parents treat each other well. All I care about is being with someone I..." Keefe's voice trailed off.

Sophie was reeling from this revelation.

An unbidden thought crept into her mind.

Being a good match was important to Fitz.

Fitz was important to Sophie.

Keefe, it turned out, didn't care about the match.

Sophie was dreading finding out who her genetic parents were.

She could avoid a lot of drama if she...

Nope. Don't go there.

She couldn't entertain the thought of Keefe just for the convenience of not having to worry about matchmaking.

Not if his feelings for her went as deep as he was implying. It wouldn't be fair to him to be the consolation prize. The easy way out.

He was too important for that.

Very important.

In a really, really confusing way.

Keefe was watching her curiously. Whatever he was picking up on must have distracted him from his discomfort because he tilted his head slightly, his brow creased. "I think I understand your confusion, all things considered--"

"Much better than you do," Ro cut in.

Keefe glared at her before turning his attention back to Sophie. "But the dread surprises me. It didn't hit when I told you I'm...when I told you how I feel about you. It didn't hit until I brought up matchmaking."

Now it was Sophie's turn to blush.

But there was no hiding anything from an Empath. Especially one as talented--and one who knew her as well--as Keefe.

So she found herself telling him everything.

Including the fact that her embarrassment and fear were why she'd hidden from everyone for a week and a half.

Including the fact that Mr. Forkle refused to help her.

And that she hadn't had the heart to tell Fitz, because she feared it would ruin everything.

But the look on Keefe's face when she told him she'd decided to order to be with Fitz...

The pain he couldn't hide broke her heart.

And confused her even more.

Then Keefe, being the incredible person that he was, promised her that Fitz would understand.

Keefe even promised to help her find her genetic parents.

But of course, the idea of finding the two people she'd always been so certain she did not want to find brought on so much dread that Keefe clutched his stomach.

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