Lodestar 2 (Keefe POV)

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The note he planted in her locker was simple:

Principal's office.
Come alone.

He knew she'd see it and rush to Magnate Leto's office, thinking he had something important to tell her.

And Keefe had already made sure Leto wouldn't actually be there.

So he let himself into the office and waited.

He didn't have to wait long. He felt her emotions before she even made it all the way to the door. He turned the chair around where she wouldn't see him right away, and then called out before she could even knock.

"You may come in, Miss Foster. But I'd like Sandor to keep watch outside. This conversation cannot tolerate eavesdroppers."

Which was completely true.

He heard Sandor's squeaky voice grumbling about it, but he did agree to set himself up just outside the door.

Just to be safe—he really didn't want to risk anyone happening into the office and getting hurt—he added, "close the door behind you."

Once Foster was inside—still not saying anything yet—he spoke again.

"I'm glad you came. Sorry my note was so hasty." He switched to his real voice. "Next time I'll make sure it rhymes."

Then, nervous but excited to see her again, he turned the chair around.

"Keefe?" she whispered.

He smirked. "Did you miss me?"

Foster's emotions were always intense, but this...this was something other.

And so conflicted. She both loved him and hated him. Wanted to run up and hug him...or possibly kill him...or possibly hug him then kill him.

He needed to get their friendship back on track. He'd felt sick to his stomach pretty much nonstop since he betrayed her by the Lake of Blood, and he knew that was because he was so worried about Foster, what she thought of him now, how badly he'd hurt her.

So it was time to resume their sense of normalcy. Show her he was still the same guy.

"Whoa, that is an epic wave of emotions you're hitting me with," he said, fanning the air between them. "It feels like you either want to hug me or strangle me--and personally, I'm rooting for the hug."

He leaned back in the chair, stretching his arms wide open. Please come hug me. Please be okay.

"You're really going to joke about this?" she asked in a quiet voice. She must've been trying to make sure Sandor didn't come in.

Okay, looked like he was going to have to work a little harder. And he was more than willing to do that. He stood up and made to walk toward her, but to his intense shock, she stopped him with a warning.

"Don't come any closer. I've been practicing inflicting. A lot."

One hand moved to her stomach, rubbing the spot under her ribs.

Keefe's smile faded.

He did not like the emotion he was picking up from her.

He'd expected the sadness. He'd expected the anger. He'd expected—and looked forward to—the happiness at seeing him again.

He hadn't expected the fear.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"You're the Empath."

The words hung there for several seconds, turning heavier and heavier.

She was afraid of him.

That really, really hurt. Partly because he felt so bad for hurting her, but also, if he was being honest with himself, because he'd thought she knew him and trusted him well enough to know he hadn't actually gone evil.

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