Found (Keefe POV)

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Days often blurred together, time passing with little meaning attached to it.

Honestly his life had little meaning now. He was doing the best, most important thing he could do—staying hidden. Staying out of his mother's grasp. He was confident he was saving many lives, maybe even the world as they knew it, by hiding and preventing his mother from using him.

But it was at the cost of his own life. He was living, but only just. He would not actually, physically sacrifice his own life—not unless it came to a fight—but this wasn't much better.

Even though his abilities seemed to have shut down, it wasn't like he could really integrate into the human world.

He'd be too easy to find. The elves had cameras planted throughout the Forbidden Cities.

He'd already figured out how to evade them, but the elves could easily gain access to the humans' camera footage too. And that was everywhere, especially with everyone in the world having phones with cameras and internet access.

All he could do was spend an eternity hiding.

The numbness of this reality had, at least, caused his nightmares about The Event to slowly fade. He'd stopped waking up in a cold sweat, stumbling to the bathroom to throw up after reliving his so-called transformation.

Stopped having nightmares about seeing Sophie held captive—but kept awake so his mom could torture her to force him to comply.

So in some ways, this time away had been beneficial. But it had only been about a month and it was already wearing on him. He didn't know how he could possibly stand an eternity of this.

It was a bleak prospect. With it also came the bitter reality that the best thing he could do for his loved ones—for anyone— was to stay away from them.


So basically, he was useless.

Just like his dad had always told him.

The pain of losing everything—of losing her—was one thing that was not fading with time. If anything, the longer he was gone, the harder it was.

Especially since sometimes he still heard Glitter Butt calling for him.

Which meant Foster hadn't given up hope.

Maybe that was the only reason, that one day, that he could have sworn her voice filled his mind again. Maybe he hadn't really heard her but had just imagined it.

Because she was saying just what he was thinking.

I miss you. It's better when you're around.

Yeah...he probably just imagined it. He couldn't bear the implications if it was really her.

Would she have said that to him after reading his note? Or would she have been grateful for the distance?

No. Even if she wasn't interested (even though deep in her heart she was, no matter what her head was telling her), she still cared for him. Their friendship would withstand his unrequited love. She'd still want him around. She'd extended that courtesy to Dex, after all.

And Dex even got a kiss out of it.

Keefe should be so lucky.

Ugh. Why was he thinking about this? He would never see her again.

Yup. Still felt like a punch to the gut.

He wondered if Foxfire had started back up. He could picture Fitz, in his school uniform, rolling his eyes at Keefe when Keefe told him his latest reason for landing in detention.

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