The Talk (Fitz POV)

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Fitz was sitting in his room—something he seemed to be doing a lot more of lately.

Hiding from his family and friends, putting off having to tell them—even Biana, who usually got everything out of him pretty quickly—that he and Sophie were definitely over, definitely not getting back together.

If you could even call it that—they'd hardly even been together to begin with.

Months building up to the point where they'd both finally confessed their feelings.

He had genuinely thought—as had his family—that Sophie was it for him.

But maybe that had been foolish. The signs had been there. She'd been fearful, uncertain of him.

And he realized too late that it was because of their disagreements on matchmaking.

Still...he was starting to think he'd have gone ahead anyway.

Sophie was worth it. Worth it even for a Vacker to be a bad match—though the thought of facing a bad match made him queasy.

But then Keefe had come home. And Fitz had been excited that his best friend had come back—even though he'd still been irritated that he'd left in the first place.

But he had not expected Keefe to make a move on Sophie.

Or for it to be successful.

He hovered somewhere between sad and angry, constantly going back and forth.

Angry was easier, but he had realized that anger was just...what he did. It was his instinctive reaction to trials.

When things got hard, Keefe ran away.

And Fitz? He just got mad.

So he was trying to work on it.

And not be too angry at Sophie or at Keefe when he really didn't have the whole story.

He'd even told Keefe that they needed to talk about it...but then added he needed some time to process.

He was afraid it would turn into a shouting match if he wasn't careful.

But mostly, he was just sad.

The future he'd envisioned had slipped away.

She didn't say it, but he could sense the depth of feeling Sophie had for Keefe when she'd told him about it during their Inquisition.

And that hurt.

But he'd known Keefe for years. He may be a bit of a rebel, but he was a good guy and a fierce friend. He wouldn't have just jumped in and pursued Sophie on a whim. He wouldn't have done that to Fitz. There had to be more to the story.

While he lounged on his bed mulling over all of these things, his Imparter rang.

It was Keefe.

Fitz closes his eyes briefly and took a steadying breath before answering. "Hi."

Keefe looked nervous but determined.

"Are you busy? I...would really like to talk about things now if it's a good time."

"I did say we needed to talk about it, didn't I?" Fitz said with a sigh.

Keefe smirked. "You sure did."

"Come on over."

Just the prospect of having this conversation made Fitz ache inside.

He let Keefe into the house and brought him back up to his room—the one placed Biana usually left him alone so she wouldn't accidentally walk in on him changing clothes or something—and turned to face Keefe after shutting the door.

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