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Okay, everyone.

Bonus update before tomorrow's regularly scheduled chapter, because the next three chapters need a bit of an introduction.

After posting my alternate ending for Stellarlune 37, some of us were discussing what it would have been like if Keefe's empathy hadn't shut down. I also commented that having two people that are clearly in love with each other confessing their feelings while alone in a hotel room...it could get steamy pretty quickly.

And I started thinking about exploring that a little bit, but needed to figure out how to address it.

Because I firmly believe that sex is for marriage.

And not before.

It's why Sophie and Keefe's intimacy only began after their wedding in my main story.

But I also know that people can intend to wait, and then in a moment, get lost in each other and end up sleeping together.

And even if you don't want to save it for marriage, you can jump into being intimate too soon and wish you had waited a little longer.

So I have a three-chapter story arc that touches on that subject.

I was tempted to write more, but I already wonder if you'll all think it's really weird (I know most people don't hold my convictions), so I left it at three chapters at least for now.

So, for the next three (3) chapters, proceed with caution.

It's not explicit--you all know by now that I don't do that--but it does contain Sophie and Keefe grappling with getting too intimate too soon. I'm not rating it mature because it's no more or less spicy than any of my other post-wedding SoKeefe chapters, but I thought I should warn everyone.

If that's going to bother you, feel free to skip them. The first chapter would be okay for you, but maybe not the next two.

Anyway...I just felt bound by my conscience to put it out there that I have them acting in a way that I consider far from ideal--and that in my story, at least, so do they.

But the dynamic of them trying to figure out how to move forward was an interesting one to explore.

SO--TO SET UP THE STORY: This is both an alternate ending to Stellarlune 37 (though it kind of goes through 42), and also an alternate universe. Everything is exactly the same, all the events and relationships are the same--the only differences are that 1) they're a little older, Keefe has graduated from the elite levels and Sophie is currently doing her elite levels--so they're about 19/20 years old and 2) though Keefe's new abilities have shut down, for some reason his empathy is still functioning normally.

Thanks for bearing with me on this. I imagine some of you will not like that I wrote this arc at all, and some of you (perhaps most of you) don't understand why I'm taking it so seriously.

I hope you enjoy, even if you think it's weird!

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