Romantic (Amy Sencen POV)

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A/N: An Amy Sencen/Alvin Dizznee one-shot from my main story

"So how come you don't want to go back to Aeternum yet?" Al asked.

He'd gone home to eat dinner with his parents and his little sister, and Amy had joined them. But when Al was ready to leap back to the Gold Tower, Amy asked if she could go with him instead of heading home yet.

So they were wandering the grounds at Foxfire. They'd spent a lot of time at the Dizznees' estate before Al entered the elite levels, and a lot of time at Aeternum as well even after they started dating. But sometimes, they'd come to Foxfire and enjoy a change of scenery.

"Why do you ask?" Amy asked playfully. "You didn't want me to come?"

"I always want you," Al said in a low voice, squeezing her hand and making her bite her lip and smile up at him. They'd been growing closer as they got older, and had started dating at the beginning of the school year.

"With finals around the corner, we've just been too busy to spend as much time together, so I wasn't ready to say goodnight just yet."Amy shrugged.

Al laughed. "Amy, I know you well enough to know there's more to that story. You could've asked me to come hang out at Aeternum." He winked at her. "We've had some pretty romantic moments in that porch swing by the pond, if you remember."

"Um, yeah, the first time you kissed me was while we were sitting on that porch swing. Getting kissed by Al Dizznee is not something a girl is likely to forget."

"Glad to hear it."

"And I'm not avoiding going home, I'm just...not sure I want to hang out there tonight. With Emma in the Silver Tower studying for her exams—I can't believe she's about to graduate—and Will babysitting for the Tongs tonight, and me having dinner with you guys...Dad was making a lot of pointed comments about having a "romantic evening at home" with Mom. And I saw the fizzleberry wine. You do not want to be around my Dad when he's been drinking that stuff."

"Why, what does he do?"

Amy winced. The last time she'd been around her parents when Dad had been drinking fizzleberry wine, he'd gotten very handsy with Mom—who didn't seem to mind. And then for some reason, he'd asked Mom if she wanted to see his abs again. "Well...suffice it to say that he and my mom love each other very much. They're kind of gross sometimes."

Al laughed. "That's okay, my parents are the same way." He was quiet for a moment. "So basically, you're using me to try to avoid interrupting your parents' romantic evening?"

"No, I'm using their romantic evening as an excuse to get to be with you."

"Oh, good answer," Al said, coming to a stop. He wrapped his free hand around Amy's back and drew her in for a kiss. "I guess I should make this a romantic evening for us too then?"

"Being with the world's hottest technopath is already romantic," Amy assured him.

But when he flashed a big grin at her, she pouted a little. "You know," she said sadly, "I kind of miss those cute dimples you used to get when you smiled."

"I guess I've outgrown them. Dad used to have dimples too. Maybe my kids will too."

Our kids, Amy thought.

At least, she was hoping that was what was in store for them. They'd only been together for a few months, so who knew really, but she knew she wasn't interested in looking anywhere else.

Alvin Dizznee was who she wanted. And he seemed to feel the same way, though they hadn't talked much about it. They'd just enjoyed being together.

"You know," Al said, interrupting her thoughts. "We're probably safer hanging out here. Your dad called me That Boy for weeks after he caught me kissing you that one time."

"Yeah, and then asked Mom if she could pull out the Sucker Punch your dad made her and give it to me 'just in case'," Amy said with a laugh.

"I didn't know that! He asked my dad to make you a new one. But my dad said that if I didn't behave myself around you then he'd just sucker punch me himself. It's almost like my parents like you better than they like me." He grinned down at her. "Not that I can blame them."

"That's not true," Amy giggled. "I think he just remembers what it's like to be a teenage boy."

"Yeah and he and Mom were already getting engaged when they were my age, so he also knows what it's like to find your person this young."

He pulled her in even closer, his face serious now. "At least...I personally think I've found my person." He smiled softly at her, his teal eyes boring into hers, making her feel very fluttery and giddy.

Especially when he brought one hand up to her face and slowly, slowly leaned in and kissed her again.

And nearly made her melt when he pulled back and whispered, "I love you, Amy."

A thrill went through her at hearing that. She'd been waiting, hoping to hear him say that. Thanks to being an Empath, she had been fairly certain that his feelings were growing deeper just like hers were, but...reading his emotions wasn't quite the same as him standing here, holding her, and saying the words out loud.

She felt a huge smile light up her face. "I love you too, Al."

This was their first "I love you".

And they were both feeling very lucky and very comfortable as they stood there, arms around each other, sharing another sweet kiss.

But eventually they started walking again, hand in hand, and picked up their conversation.

"So...I don't know about you," Al said. "But I'm thinking...well, I know neither of us has registered for the match. And...I love you. I'm not sure there's a point, you know?"

Another little thrill. Things were getting more serious between them—and she loved it. "I agree. Our parents didn't register and I think they're happy that we haven't. And I've already found you, without the help of the matchmakers."

"I think my dad is right," Al said. "The match causes more problems than it solves."

"One of my mom's goals is to overhaul the whole match system," Amy said. "To help people make sure they don't end up with a relative, and as an option for those who want help finding someone they're compatible with, but without the stigma. Especially between the Talentless and those who have manifested. It never sat right with her that your grandparents were branded a bad match because of that."

"And they're obviously a good match," Al agreed. "They're just as grossly in love as my parents." He thought for a minute. "What about Will? Is he registering?"

Amy shook her head. "No, I don't think so. Not unless Anna wants to, and I don't think she cares either."

"Yeah, Fitz and Linh registered but have always told their girls that it was totally up to them. I don't know that Naomi and Akira registered either. So I'm not surprised Anna isn't."

"And Will...he'll follow her anywhere. It's kind of cute."

"Not as cute as you," Al told her.

"I love it when you flirt with me," Amy whispered, stopping and looking up at him.

He squeezed her hand. "That's good, because I don't ever plan to stop."

"You promise?"

He ducked his head down and kissed her. "I promise."

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