Brave (Keefe POV)

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Keefe had not been happy about Sophie being taken away from him. The dwarf that had let them into the cave had been adamant that only Sophie could accompany him--and then was going to force her to take a sedative so she didn't see where they went.

The thought made Keefe queasy. He knew she was terrified of sedatives.

He knew he'd promised her--and Sandor--and Grady--and himself--that he'd keep her safe.

And instead, he was stuck in a cave with a slightly jittery alicorn while Sophie was alone with the very people Grady had been afraid to send her to. The people he'd entrusted Keefe to meet with right beside her.

The melder and throwing stars in his pockets didn't do much good when he couldn't even go with her.

So he stood talking to Silveny, telling her everything would be okay, and hoping it was the truth.

And his presence did seem to keep her calm. And strangely, she was keeping him calm, too. Probably because he knew she cared about Foster too, and because talking to the alicorn gave him something with which to distract himself.

Right up until an odd, wrinkly, slightly smelly old guy--Black Swan dude, undoubtedly--appeared with an unconscious Sophie in his arms.


"What did you do to her?" Keefe asked in a panic, reaching for her.

But he shook his head, squatting down to lie her gently on the floor of the cave instead.

"I need you to take this," he told Keefe, pulling a small sealed scroll out of his pocket and handing it over. "This is for either Elwin or Grady, with some care instructions. She cannot be given any medication for the first twenty-four hours so her mind remains unaffected by anything other than the remedy we gave her." Black Swan dude let out a heavy sigh. "We almost lost her--twice."

Keefe blanched at that, but Black Swan dude kept going. "But we got her back. She's going to be okay--better than okay. But she'll wake up in a tremendous amount of pain. Just get her home safely. It would be best if you didn't light leap--her concentration probably isn't up to the task right now, and expecting yours to be sufficient for two young elves and an alicorn is a risk we can't take."

Keefe was doing his best to listen. But he was pretty fixated on the fact that Sophie had almost died twice while Keefe sat idly by, pacing the floor and talking to an alicorn.

"She'll be okay, I assure you, Mr. Sencen."

Because of course Black Swan dude knew his name.

"We've been watching Miss Foster and her friends most carefully," he explained, as though he knew what Keefe was thinking. "We want to ensure that neither she nor her friends come to harm again."

Keefe nodded, but said nothing, his eyes on Sophie. Even unconscious, her face looked pinched. And she looked pale. "She'll be awake soon?" he asked.

"Yes. And she might need some time, but as soon as she's able, you should get her home."

With that, he disappeared again--how did he do that?--and Keefe was left alone with Sophie and Silveny.

He sat down beside her, watching her carefully. That was when he noticed the massive bruise on her hand.

Okay, seriously, what did they do to her?

After a moment, she began to wake. She shifted slightly and let out a whimper, as though the tiny movement caused her pain. Then again, it probably had, given what Black Swan dude had told him.

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