Father: part 2

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Sophie managed a few hours of fitful sleep but was up earlier than usual. She quickly dressed and went downstairs to find her parents already up and shocked to see her.

"You're up early," Edaline noted, looking at her curiously.

"I know," she said with a yawn. "A lot on my mind, I guess. I had trouble sleeping." She still didn't want them to know she was even curious about her genetic parents.

They were enough for her. She loved them. And she didn't ever want them to doubt that.

She knew Keefe was usually already in the house by the time she came downstairs, and hoped he was awake as she headed outside and towards the Grove. She didn't want to have to go knocking on any trees trying to wake him up, so she walked toward the Panakes and tentatively transmitted to him.

You awake yet?

Almost immediately, Keefe's thoughts filled her mind. Wow, this is early for you.

Sorry if I woke you.

You didn't. I'm awake but haven't finished fixing The Hair just yet.

So you're in the house? I'd have waited for you in there. I'm at the Panakes.

Yep. Guess your parents didn't tell you. They were probably shocked to see you up this early.

Well hurry up, I want to continue yesterday's conversation.

I can talk--or think, I guess--and fix my hair at the same time. But I'll hurry, because it's more fun when I can see your pretty face when we talk.

Aw. Sophie swooned a little. You're cute.

Right back at you, Foster. So, you want to talk more about how I'm not being subtle about our relationship when we're at school? Because believe me, I could be worse. I haven't actually kissed you at Foxfire yet. And I haven't tried to convince you to sit in my lap at lunch--

Why on earth would I sit in your lap?

Because you can't bear to be away from me, obviously. And hey, I just saw that eye roll.

Sophie looked over, but Keefe wasn't there.

You looked, didn't you? Even Keefe's mental voice sounded smug.

Shut up.

Don't worry, Foster. I really am coming now.

And he was. She saw him approaching and jumped up to greet him.

Before she could say anything, he pulled her in and kissed her.

"I've always wanted to kiss you good morning," he said with a sweet smile. "But since I usually see you in the kitchen with your parents, and I don't actually want Grady to kill me, I have restrained myself."

Sophie leaned in for another quick kiss before taking his hand and walking back towards the Panakes.

As they sat down, a large tray appeared before them, making Sophie jump slightly. It had several fluffcreams and two bottles of Youth, clearly conjured to them by Edaline.

"There's a note," Keefe said, pulling it out from under one of the bottles of Youth.

Sophie looked. "It's Edaline's handwriting. 'Picnic breakfast for the lovebirds this morning. Enjoy!'"

"That means the writing on the back must be Grady's," Keefe said with a laugh.

Sophie turned it over. It read, 'But we're watching you.'

She rolled her eyes. "Almost makes me want to give him something to watch."

Keefe's eyebrows shot up. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, otherwise I won't be able to concentrate on whatever it is you're actually wanting to talk about."

Sophie giggled, blushing. "Sorry, I don't know where that came from. Anyway..." she grabbed one of the pastries. "I've been thinking about what you said, about trying to find my biological father. And the thing is...I really do want to know. I want to know who it is, because if it's someone I know and like...the sooner I know and can cut him out of my life, the better."

Keefe studied her for a second, eating quietly. Finally, he said in a hesitant voice, "you wouldn't have to cut him out. It might be worth hearing him out first."

"What excuse could he possibly have for willingly giving me up to be experimented on and agreeing to not get to raise me and then, when I came back to the Lost Cities, continue to remain anonymous?"

"I know, but...they may not have thought of it that way. I'm sure Forkle presented it like an opportunity to be a part of something big."

Sophie sighed. "Oralie did say she knew it was the only way she'd be able to have a child."

She realized what she'd done the moment the words were out of her mouth.

Keefe's eyebrows shot up again, but he didn't say anything. He just let it sink in.

"Well...now I guess you know. I've been keeping it secret with no problem, and then somehow it just comes tumbling out when I talk to you. The one time you weren't pestering me about something and I offer it up anyway." She rolled her eyes. But she really didn't mind Keefe knowing. It almost made it seem easier to bear now that he knew too.

Keefe leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I won't tell anyone," he said quietly. "And...wow."


"Well...what now?"

"I don't know. I told Leto I would stop looking."

"You have the right to change your mind. Especially since now you won't be taking that information straight to the matchmakers."

"I guess." She yawned again. "I'm so tired."

"We could skip classes and cuddle up right here and take a nap," Keefe suggested with a smirk.

"Something tells me Grady wouldn't like that very much." No matter how nice it sounded.

"But we'd look so cute."

Sophie rolled her eyes.

Keefe rubbed his temples. "Honestly I have a bit of a headache. I vote we head to Foxfire early. Maybe Elwin can give me something for my head and give you something to help you stay awake during your sessions."

Sophie frowned. "Why do you have a headache?"

Keefe shrugged. "I had training yesterday for my commanding ability. Even with it properly balanced now, I'm struggling to get used to it. It's exhausting, mentally. I think that's all it is. No need for that adorable little worry crease." He reached out and smoothed the spot with his finger. "Elwin will fix me up in no time."

Sophie smiled. "I'm sure he will. He's seen us through far worse than fatigue or headaches."

So they stood up and walked—Keefe's arm around Sophie's shoulders—back towards the house and up to the Leapmaster.

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