Walkout (Keefe POV)

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Thanks to @violet_hamster_1071 for the suggestion! This takes place in Everblaze, while Sophie is at home after having the ability restrictor placed on her head.

"It's weird, Sophie not being here," Biana said quietly during morning Orientation.

"I know," Fitz agreed. "But can you blame her? What is she even supposed to do if she does come? She can't practice her telepathy or her inflicting, not with that stupid device on her head."

"I know," Biana agreed sadly. "I just...hope she eventually finds the strength to get out of bed."

Keefe shuddered. When he'd gone to visit Sophie, he hadn't even been completely sure she was awake.

She certainly didn't respond when he talked to her. When he begged her to look at him so they could talk. Not even when he tried to crack a joke, tried to make her feel like it wasn't as big of a deal as it was.

But if she'd really been fully asleep, he doubted he'd have felt the sickening waves of misery coming from her.

There was shame. Humiliation. Fear. Anger.

And betrayal.

Keefe sincerely hoped he would never make her feel betrayed like Dex had just done. He wasn't sure he'd be able to survive it.

Dex didn't look so good.

He was at school, but sitting by himself again.

Marella and Jensi usually hung around Sophie and Dex, but not today.

Keefe wasn't sure if they were keeping away from Dex out of disgust, or if he was avoiding them out of shame.

But even from across the room, the misery was evident on his face.

Keefe kind of felt sorry for him, although...

...that was a really, REALLY stupid thing he did.

Even if he didn't know what it was for.

He really should have pieced it together though.

"Why are you staring at Dex?" Biana asked, jolting Keefe out of his thoughts.

"I don't know," Keefe mumbled. "I was thinking about how hard Sophie is taking this, and how awful it is, and..."

"And how it's all Dex's fault?" Fitz said, glaring angrily in Dex's direction.

"Not all," Biana said reasonably. "The Council is to blame. Dex isn't exactly an innocent bystander, either, but it was heinous of the Council to put him in this position--especially since they're friends."

"I know," Fitz mumbled. "But I mean, honestly--he spews hatred toward me and our whole family, but none of us would do what he just did."

"Definitely not your immediate family," Keefe agreed, privately thinking that Dex's hatred of Fitz wasn't entirely because Fitz was a Vacker. Foster's obvious feelings for Fitz definitely played a part in that. "Your family was upset by what happened too."

Orientation ended then and they made their way to their lockers, saying goodbye to Biana and heading to the level five wing, Keefe deep in thought.

He'd seen Alden's reaction when it happened.

He'd never known Alden could look so angry. Alden was usually all smiles, kindness, friendliness.

But as they all watched what happened to Sophie? And the way she collapsed?

Alden looked like he could've killed someone.

And Grady's reaction was even worse.

Keefe's wasn't much better.

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