Neverseen 77-78 (Keefe POV)

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Keefe was really relieved when Foster asked him to join her at the Sanctuary. He knew she'd need moral support while asking the Council to set the alicorns free, and he loved that he was who she wanted by his side.

Even if it was only because Glitter Butt liked him better than any of her other friends.

He gave Foster the beaded necklace, and felt some crazy joy in watching her put it on. He was glad he'd gotten the chance to give it to her in person before he left.

Because he had already set his plans in motion.

Who knew how long it would take to gain the trust of those villains, get the information he needed to bring them down, and come back home.

And frankly, whether or not she'd still be speaking to him when that time came.

Surely she would. Surely Foster, at least, would understand why he went, would know him and trust him well enough by now to realize he had to do this. To do anything in his power to undo what his mom had done.

And maybe, just maybe, find out what had happened to her. But that wasn't really his top priority. Taking down the Neverseen as a whole was the top priority, it had to be.

But the whole time they were at the Sanctuary, his anxiety was getting the better of him. He was trying to make sure it didn't show.

The Council was clearly skeptical, but had agreed to let the alicorns go.

Keefe held Foster's hand while they watched the alicorns fly away. They'd held hands before, and it wasn't a strange thing for them to do, but...sometimes it just felt different. And this was one of those times. She'd asked for his company today. She was willingly wearing the necklace he'd given her--and had been genuinely pleased to receive it.

It looked so good on her.

He really hoped this wasn't the last time he'd see her wear it.

Normally, he was really good at hiding his emotions from people. But Foster, who was so oblivious when it came to how all the boys in her life felt about her, was incredibly perceptive when it came to everything else.

And sometimes she could read him nearly as well as he could read her.

He knew he needed to leave as quickly as possible, but...he just couldn't tear himself away from her yet. The care and concern coming off of her meant too much to him.

It was more than either of his parents had ever felt for him.

She was worried about him. Her emotions were practically begging him to be okay. Especially since she seemed to know something was up.

" you want to come over, then?" she asked him, fidgeting with the necklace he'd given her. "I thought I might try to make starkflower stew to give to Calla's tree--and I know that sounds super exciting, could make fun of me. And then you could stay for dinner, and--"

"Foster, you don't have to take care of me." But please don't ever stop.

"Maybe I just like you," she said--then seemed to realize how that sounded, because she quickly explained herself. "I'm just...worried about you."

Keefe stepped closer. He couldn't help himself. "I know," he said softly. "It's one of the things I like about you."

He was standing very close to her now, those brown eyes of hers wide as she looked up at him. And there was a strange fluttery feeling coming off of her, which made him hopeful. He was contemplating bringing a hand up to her cheek, maybe tucking her hair behind her ear, just to read how it affected her emotions.

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