Aurenflare (Keefe POV)

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A/N: A Keefe POV of the aurenflare scene from Exile.

Keefe supposed he shouldn't have been surprised when Foster found some crazy new way to win at base quest.

Like...when did she learn to blink? And how did she jump that far and that high?

Another facet of how puzzling this girl was.

He sensed a feeling of panic coming off her—her emotions were getting easier and easier to understand as they wafted through the air toward him—and he figured she wasn't sure how to get down.

She tried to swing her legs, probably hoping she could get the momentum to heave herself up on to the branch, but there was a loud CRACK! and the branch snapped.

Before Keefe could react, Fitz was on top of it.

"I got her!" Fitz shouted and leapt up, grabbing her and holding her against himself as they crashed down, managing to break her fall before they tumbled together in the mud and grass.

"Are you guys okay?" Keefe asked, rushing to where they'd landed.

"I think so," Foster answered, trying and failing to wipe some of the mud off her face.

She didn't seem to be downplaying anything, and Fitz was already starting to look more amused than stunned.

"Dude--Fitz--you should've seen how high you jumped to catch her--and the way you guys curved through the air and flipped across the ground? Awesome."

Fitz laughed and rubbed his shoulder as he sat up.

"Are you really okay?" Foster asked him.

"Yep. I'm just glad I caught you."

He smiled as he said it, and Foster--unfortunately--got very fluttery as she replied, "me too."


Keefe had hoped this crush of hers would go away, but...apparently not.

Oh well. Not on Keefe's watch.

"And you," he said, conveniently shoving between them. "What was up with the whole Amazing Flying Foster routine?"

She tried to blame it on learning how to channel, but he wasn't letting her off that easy. This was obviously much more than channeling extra energy to her legs.

But just as he thought he'd sufficiently distracted the two of them from their flirting, Fitz and Foster began reminiscing about the day they'd met.

When he called them out on it, Biana stepped in and tagged both Keefe and Fitz out, claiming a win for her and Foster.

But he was calling foul play.

Then, somehow, Fitz managed to make it all about him and Foster again when he noticed her bleeding hands.

Oops. Keefe probably should've noticed that too.

It was just that most girls wouldn't be so tough about it. Most girls he knew would have immediately pointed out that they were bleeding and state that they wanted to get cleaned up.

But not Foster.

Of course, most girls weren't afraid of seeing a physician, either.

Keefe and Fitz had both experienced Foster's aversion to medical care--and Fitz had told him that she apparently had good reason. Apparently human medicine was very different.

But still, after everything she'd been through recently, she had to know by now that Elwin wasn't like human doctors, and elvin medicine wasn't like human medicine.

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