Flashback 14 (Keefe POV)

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Keefe went straight to the Healing Center the next day after Study Hall. He was relieved to discover that the previous day's activities hadn't set back Foster's progress.

Fitz was still asleep. Keefe knew he was sedated, but he still didn't like seeing how long Fitz had been asleep and didn't feel comfortable until he confirmed with Elwin that there was nothing to worry about.

He was surprised that Edaline wasn't there, but surmised from Foster's slightly-guilty-but-mostly-relieved emotions that Edaline was still giving her some space.

And when they began discussing Foster's Bodyguard Brigade, Keefe was very curious about Ro's relationship with the mysterious Botros.

He couldn't wait to make Foster win another bet for him so he could find out what this mysterious connection was.

But it was definitely going to have to wait.

Elwin threatened to put a stop to their training sessions if there were any more bets.

He couldn't have that. They had seriously improved Foster's mood yesterday during their training session, he could feel it.

She'd said she felt useless. And that dejected feeling didn't really go away until he agreed to teach her what he knew.

So when Elwin threatened to nix their sessions, Keefe immediately said, "aw, we can't have that. Foster would miss me too much. Who knew the way to her heart was my mad teaching skills?"

"Or I'm just bored," she pointed out, missing the point as usual.

Honestly at this point he felt like he could grab her, tell her he was in love with her, and try to kiss her, and she would still not get it.

Oh well.

All in good time.


Please, please, please.

"Nah, you're realizing I'm the total package. Beauty and brains—"

"And super modest."

"Exactly! And, because my amazingness knows no bounds, I come bearing presents!" He pulled a box of Prattles from his cape pocket like they were the most amazing thing in the world. "Today you're getting my brilliant lesson and candy!"

He opened the package and found...the kraken.

"Cool—The Prattles kraken! I've always wanted one of those! Remember when the Black Swan had us leap under the ocean and that kraken wanted to eat us?"

He'd actually had a great time that day, despite the weird, uncomfortable leaps.

Foster was just so easy to be around—even when her emotions were going crazy.

Never mind the fact that the Black Swan only had him accompany her because they already suspected that he was the one the Neverseen was using to track her.

Foster offered to let him keep the pin, but he decided she needed it more.

So he compromised. "How about we call him ours?" He loved how that sounded. Something that wasn't hers or his, it was theirs. Even if it was just a Prattles pin. "We'll name him Krakie and he can live right here." He pointed to the bandage on her right hand. "That way Krakie can protect you from the echo—not that you need protection. He'll just be your backup."

He felt her wave of warmth and gratitude as she said in a choked voice, "it's good to have backup."

His smile, he knew, had turned much warmer. He just couldn't help it. He looked at her intently, holding her eyes captive as he softly said "it is."

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