Healing Center (2 of 4)

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"Well, it's official," Elwin said as he put on his iridescent spectacles. "Keefe, you have needed just as many Healing Center visits as Sophie has."

"Sorry about that. Foster here insisted. She practically yelled at me." Keefe smirked at Sophie. "Who knew someone so cute could be so scary?"

Sophie blushed, but Elwin just chortled. "That's our girl. And she was right—after something this major, you definitely need to come see me." He snapped his fingers and a green light appeared. He seemed to go through every color of the spectrum as he examined Keefe from head to toe. Sophie stood by, watching, wanting to take Keefe's hand but not sure whether or not she should.

In her hurry to take that next step with Keefe, they had not ended up having time to discuss particulars—like whether or not they were giving their relationship a label, or whether they wanted people to know.

So she hung back.

"Well," Elwin pronounced, taking off his spectacles and letting out a sigh. "It's good news, for once. Nothing seems to be wrong. I see no damage. And you're clearly responding better than you did after..."

His voice trailed off, but they knew what he meant.

"This was nothing like that," Keefe agreed. He met Sophie's eyes, his face serious as he said, "it felt like being fixed. Last time, it felt like being attacked. Violated all the way down to the core. I promise, Sophie, I'm okay. I'm exhausted, but I'm really okay. I feel better than I have in weeks."

Sophie looked at him, trying to discern whether or not he was downplaying any symptoms. "Can you tell me what I'm feeling, then? Like you always could before?"

Keefe smirked. "Well, since you asked...you feel worried about me--though that cute little worry crease between your brows is also a dead giveaway of that particular emotion. You also feel relieved. And weary. And like you're in shock. And..." his grin turned mischievous as he glanced at Elwin before focusing on her again. "And like you really want to grab me and kiss me again."

"Again?" Elwin blurted out. But Sophie barely heard him. Tears pricking her eyes, she threw her arms around Keefe, hugging him tightly.

"Hmm," Keefe said with a cough, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Maybe I misunderstood that last one. I thought you wanted to kiss me, not strangle me in a hug."

"Sorry," Sophie said with a sniff, pulling away and blushing again. But Keefe wouldn't let her go completely, firmly taking her hand in his.

"Considering how much I'm going to be calling you out on that fluttery feeling I give you," he murmured, "Elwin was bound to find out eventually anyway."

Elwin cleared his throat. "It doesn't matter," he told them. "Though since we're being honest, I kind of thought for a long time now that the two of you were...well, more than just friends."

"Really?" Sophie asked curiously.

Had everyone seen it but her?

"Really," Elwin replied. "But right now what matters is that the only thing that's wrong with Keefe is exhaustion. Honestly, I haven't seen cells that tired in anyone other than Sophie. And to err on the side of caution, I would like to keep you here tonight, just to be sure nothing comes up."

Sophie sighed. That made sense, but she'd been hoping he'd be coming back to Havenfield with her.

Keefe laughed. "Nice downward mood shift there, Foster."

Sophie reached out to pluck an itchy eyelash. "Maybe I should stay, too? Keep an eye on him?"

Elwin shook his head.

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