No Regrets (Oralie POV)

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A/N: This chapter takes place right after the "Reunion" chapters in my main story (After Stellarlune)

"Never thought I'd see this place again," Kenric said quietly as they entered Oralie's castle, an Obscurer keeping them from being seen.

"Well, I never thought I'd see you again," Oralie admitted with a tremble in her voice, "so I guess we're both getting a lot of surprises today."

"Thank goodness for Sophie Foster." Kenric sat down on her couch, across from where she sat in her favorite pink chair, like they'd done so many times over the years.

"About that," Oralie said.

Kenric smiled at her.

And she'd missed that sight so much that she was brought to tears again.

"I knew I hadn't heard the end of that," Kenric told her. "The only way you would remember that I know about your involvement in Project Moonlark is if you've opened my cache."

"I did." And she explained how they'd opened not only his cache but hers as well, while trying to find out what they could about stellarlune and the mysterious Elysian.

"And?" Kenric looked concerned.

"I got to learn things about you all over again," she said quietly. "Things you'd made me forget, and things you hadn't told me because you didn't remember them either. And I was angry that you hadn't told me again, that you knew why I wasn't choosing to be with you, when I would remember it."

"Sorry about that. I was afraid it would be more of a burden for you if you knew I'd caught on to what you were doing."

" made me miss you so much it took my breath away."

What was it about Kenric that made her be so open and vulnerable? She was usually so guarded, so careful with what she said to others. She had to be, as a Councillor.

But Kenric had nearly always been able to see the real her. Something about him just made her knock down all her walls.

He reached out and placed a hand on her knee. "I'm so sorry for all the pain you've been through. But I'm here, I'm home, and I won't leave your side again. I'm right here, Ora."

She smiled. "It might take me a while to trust that. It feels too good to be true. What if I go to sleep and wake up to realize it had just been a dream?"

Kenric stood up to get closer to her and wrapped his arms tightly around her. "You're awake. I'm awake. And we have the rest of eternity to chase away the nightmare of the last few years. And..." he leaned back to study her. "I know you well enough to know that you don't generally like to just sit around in a dress when you're at home, no matter what you make the public think. You can go change into one of those tank-top-and-pants combos of yours that I've always had to pretend I didn't like so much." He winked at her. "I promise I won't disappear when you walk out of the room."

Oralie wasn't sure she could handle walking away from him even for a couple of minutes, but she would be more comfortable. She took her circlet off her head and left it on one of the small tables by the couch--remembering as she did so the way Sophie had reacted, in this very room, when she'd discovered the truth.

And she was back very quickly, relieved to see that Kenric was still there.

And somewhere between pleased and embarrassed at the way he looked at her, slowly taking her in, a sly grin on his face.

"I've, um...I've missed getting to...admire you," he admitted, his grin widening. "I spent most of the time not remembering you, but I sure missed you anyway."

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