The Girl: part 2 (Fitz POV)

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Fitz's mind hit some sort of invisible wall.

And he couldn't get through.

No matter what he did...all he got from Sophie was silence.

This was unprecedented. No one could keep Fitz out, not completely.

At least, out of everyone that had let him try it.

But an untrained girl definitely shouldn't have been able to block him--especially not so thoroughly.

He needed to get home as soon as possible. He didn't really understand what was going on, but he did know that the whole world was about to change. At least, the whole of the Lost Cities.

Not to mention Sophie's whole life.

And he knew that his dad would figure out what to do, how to handle it.

And would hopefully have some theories as to why a completely untrained girl who currently thought she was a human had excellent telekinetic control and seemingly impenetrable mental blocking. And...she was only twelve. It wasn't unheard of to manifest that young, but it was pretty rare.

This girl was...

...going to be a force to be reckoned with, that was for sure.

"What do you want?" Sophie asked when they finally slowed to a walk outside some sort of a zoo.

"I'm here to help you," he told her gently. "I promise."

"Why were you looking for me?" she asked, reaching up and tugging out an eyelash.

He hesitated. "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you."

"How am I supposed to trust you if you won't answer my questions?"

Fair point.

"Okay, fine--but I don't know much. My father sent me to find you. We've been looking for a specific girl your age, and I was supposed to observe and report back to him, like always. I wasn't supposed to talk to you." He frowned. He should've known better than to talk to her. "I just couldn't figure you out. You don't make sense."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you're...different from what I expected. Your eyes really threw me off."

"What's wrong with my eyes?" she asked, reaching for her face again.

Absolutely nothing.

They were surprisingly pretty.

"We all have blue eyes," he explained. "So when I saw them, I figured we had the wrong girl again. But we didn't."

The truth washed over him again.

He'd found her.

He looked at her in awe. "You're really one of us."

She held up her hands as she stopped walking ."Whoa. Hang on. What do you mean, 'one of us'?"

He glanced over his shoulder. There were too many people around that might hear him. He pulled her further away from the crowds. "Okay--there's no easy way to explain this, so I'm just going to say it. We're not human, Sophie."

She let out a hysterical laugh. "Not human." She shook her head. "Riiiiiight."

Then she started to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

"You're insane--and I'm insane for trusting you."

"I'm telling the truth," he called after her. "Just think for a minute, Sophie," he added, begging now.

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