Alternate Ending: Lodestar 70 (part 1)

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@Gracie122334455 requested an alternate ending to this chapter. I found one chapter could not do it justice so this is a two-parter.

Keefe's eye roll was epic. "Don't you need to go fix your bangs or something?"

"You can hate me all you want," Tam told him. "It won't mean I'm not right. Admit that now, and you might still have a chance to fix what really matters. Or you can wait until you've lost her. It's your call."

"Lost who?" Fitz asked.

Tam shook his head. "We need to go."

"Tam's right," Sophie said, her legs shaking as she stood. "Come on, Keefe. You're never going to get another chance like this. I've tried for weeks to figure out how to get you away from them, and this is it. You're safe. You'll be long gone before they realize what happened. And we'll hide you somewhere until we shut down every single one of their hideouts connected to the symbol. And that'll be the end of it."

"But it won't be," he mumbled. "That's what I'm trying to tell you. There's still so much more to do."

"Then do it with us."

She offered him her gloved hand, and her eyes pleaded with him to take it this time.

After a breathless second, he did.

He let her pull him to his feet, leaning on her to stay steady. "I know what matters, Foster," he whispered. "And it's all that matters."

The intensity of his stare turned everything floaty and fluttery.

Keefe's eyes flicked to Tam. "You think I'll lose her if I go back?" He asked meekly. He was still leaning against Sophie, though he was holding his injured hand out away from their bodies as though afraid of letting anything touch it.

"Lose who?" Sophie and Fitz both asked.

But Keefe and Tam didn't answer them. Tam merely shrugged and told Keefe, "I think you're lucky you haven't already lost her. You really want to risk it?"

Since when did Keefe and Tam willingly talk to each other?

And what were they talking about?

Keefe stared at Tam a moment longer before nodding and looking back at Sophie. "Okay," he whispered, slowly letting go of her.

"Okay what?" She asked, afraid of what was coming next.

"Okay, we have some prisoners to hand in. Then I guess...I guess I'm coming back. But I can't help but feel like I'm making a huge mistake." Keefe bent down and grabbed Alvar, hoisting him over his shoulder.

"He's mine," Fitz said suddenly, his handsome features suddenly a hard mask.

Keefe just nodded and handed Alvar over--and Sophie couldn't help but notice that neither boy was particularly careful about how much they jostled him.

Sophie couldn't blame them.

She also barely registered as Keefe picked up Brant and Tam took Ruy.

She couldn't quite get her heart to resume its normal rhythm after the way Keefe had looked at her. She was also almost weak with relief. Keefe was coming home.

Once they leapt to Alluveterre, things progressed in a blur. The Collective didn't want the Council having access to one of their hideouts, so they alerted the Council to the situation and asked to meet in Eternalia to hand over the prisoners. Granite and Mr. Forkle were both present, and Mr. Forkle accompanied Fitz as they leapt away with the prisoners.

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