Kidnapped: part 1 (Keefe POV)

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A/N: Part 1 of a 6-chapter story arc.

The third step to Stellarlune was complete.

And Keefe could sense an immediate difference. For the first time in weeks, he felt...balanced.

It felt like his Empathy had returned. At least, the concern and anticipation Foster was hurling at him from several feet away seemed to indicate that his Empathy was back. And his commanding ability seemed to be there too, but he didn't have that irresistible, throat-clenching pull to give a command.

Elysian, mysterious and confusing and unwilling to share her story or offer any other explanations, had completed the process his mother had started in Loamnore.

Or rather, had started years ago, before he was conceived.

At least Elysian was fixing the problem, rather than creating it like his mom.

But then she was gone.

Who was she?

She'd helped Keefe, but had stayed out of the fight, disappearing rather than helping them subdue the trolls or stop his mom.

But Keefe was too tired to care too much about it. He knew eventually, he and Foster would go sit under the Panakes and discuss Elysian. And she'd probably find a way to get every tidbit of information on Elysian that had ever existed.

But right now?

He just wanted this done.

They had to figure out how to stop his mom now so Sandor could be freed and they could all go home.

Because they were turning the tide in this war, starting tonight. His mom was here and he was not letting her go.

But leave it to Gisela Sencen to ruin Keefe's plans.

"Keefe," Gisela called. "Before you attack, remember I have Miss Foster's bodyguard held captive underground. Only you can save him: come with me now."

Foster's voice filled his mind. Don't do it, she begged. We'll find another way to rescue Sandor.

He locked eyes with her, and felt as she entered his mind. I'm not going anywhere, he assured her. And the panic in her eyes receded slightly. I just wish I knew how to get us all out of this.

Gisela sighed as Keefe crossed his arms and glared at her. "I knew you'd do this the hard way."

And with that, another pair of trolls appeared, grabbed Sophie, and disappeared.


Blind panic--and rage--filled Keefe in an instant.

"Bring her back!!" he shouted wildly.

Gisela shook her head. "I think I'll give you some time without your precious moonlark," she told him, a cold smile on her lips. "I will make you obey."

A command was bubbling up inside Keefe, the word coming to his mind in an instant.

And this time, he would make no effort to stop it.

He would do whatever it took to force his mom to bring Sophie back.

But he was too late. Almost the moment Gisela finished speaking, she pulled out a crystal and leapt away.

"NO!!!!!" Keefe screamed, more terrified than he'd ever been in his life.


This couldn't be happening, not now, not after everything they'd been through.

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