Pregnant (Keefe POV)

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A/N: @Everblaze77 requested this bonus content from my main story—Keefe's POV of finding out Sophie was pregnant for the first time. Currently trying to decide if I should tell more of the pregnancy/birth through Keefe's POV.

Keefe awoke one morning with a feeling of total contentment, the sun streaming in through the windows as he lay in bed with Sophie still asleep beside him.

Her head was resting on his chest—her preferred sleeping position—so he couldn't easily get up without waking her.

He was more than okay with this. They had a glorious six week break from school ahead of them, so there was no rush to get up and get ready to go anywhere. She only had one semester before she graduated. Keefe had just completed his first semester as an Empathy mentor. It was funny, really, how much he loved mentoring, considering how often he'd ditched class as a prodigy. But then, he'd rarely skipped his ability training sessions.

He was feeling so warm and happy with his wife lying asleep in his arms that he didn't realize, at first, that she was starting to wake.

But the moment she stirred, he held her a little tighter and kissed the top of her head. She let out a content sigh before offering a sleepy "good morning."

"You know," he told her, trailing his fingers softly along her bare back, "this could be like our honeymoon. We can just hang out at home and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist."

"That sounds nice," she agreed, snuggling in closer. But then she groaned. "But also like our honeymoon...I'm definitely feeling some of those 'feed me or I'll die' vibes again."

Keefe chuckled softly. He'd never forget that first morning after the wedding—for a myriad of reasons—and how she'd grown so hungry she was practically dizzy walking downstairs. "Well then let's get dressed and go downstairs for breakfast. Just don't be surprised if I drag you back up here later." He kissed the top of her head again before she sat up.

As usual, his eyes watched her as she climbed out of bed. She was just so beautiful, he could hardly help it.

But today?

Something was different today.

As he moved to stand up, his gaze focused on her midsection and he froze in shock.

Her belly button had popped out and turned pink.

He couldn't take his eyes off of it—irrationally convinced that if he looked away or even blinked, he'd look back to see that he'd imagined it.

But then he felt the surprise coming off of her right before she gasped.

So this was real, it was actually happening.

Keefe thought he'd been prepared for it.

They'd planned on it all along. They'd been discussing it since long before they'd gotten married. And they'd been trying to conceive for a few weeks, now, so they'd known this was coming. It wasn't exactly a surprise.

But nothing could have prepared him for the fierce, overpowering joy that was spreading through every part of him, leaving nothing untouched, nothing unchanged.

He could feel the incredulous smile spreading across his face as he and Sophie's eyes locked.

"Doesn't that mean...?" she started to ask.

Keefe jumped up and grabbed her face in his hands, kissing her, hard. Then he brought one hand down to her stomach, the other remaining on her cheek as he joyfully whispered, "it means you're pregnant."

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