Kidnapped: part 4 (Keefe POV)

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It was well played. Keefe knew Gisela had thought this through.

Apart from keeping Sophie from using her many abilities, the ability restrictor would cut off all of Sophie's self-confidence and, if it was anything like the last one, actually cause physical pain and keep her from being able to even think straight.

It kept them from just fighting for control—Mesmering or commanding her to give Sophie up—and simply fleeing with Sophie, because they'd need Gisela's technopath—whoever they were—to remove the ability restrictor.

And it had effectively incapacitated one of their members.

Because at the sight of Sophie with that circlet around her head, Dex's knees gave out and he crumpled to the floor. He sat, ghostly white, staring in agony at Sophie.

Keefe, who happened to be next to him and was close enough that Dex brushed against his leg as he fell, was keenly aware of the grief, guilt and bitter regret Dex was feeling.

"No," Dex moaned quietly. Weakly. "I knew this invention would come back to haunt me someday." Tears were falling now. "Sophie, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." He kept repeating the apology, sobbing.

Gisela's mouth twisted into a cruel smile, but she didn't speak right away. She seemed to be enjoying giving them a moment to fully realize the weight of the situation.

Keefe's eyes flicked quickly from his mother's face back to Sophie.

Ashamed, scared, yet still an air of stubbornness about her. Defiance. Keefe could feel those emotions coming off her, reflecting what he saw in her face.

She was so brave and so strong.

She was looking earnestly at him, and when they locked eyes, he felt her rush of affection for him.

She's okay, Fitz's voice filled Keefe's mind, talking fast. That device restricts her abilities but it can't stop me from transmitting to her and reading her thoughts like I do with you. She wants me to let you know Gisela hasn't hurt her, that there are trolls waiting in the next room in case we attack, and that you aren't under any circumstances to give yourself up for her sake.

But her words for Dex, she spoke aloud, her voice weak—Keefe wondered when she'd last eaten or had anything to drink—but still clear. "Don't blame yourself. You didn't make this one and you're not responsible for copycats. Please, Dex." She was begging now. "Don't let this break you. I need my best friend."

Her life—all their lives—were in danger and what was she doing? Telling her boyfriend not to bring himself to harm and her best friend not to give in to guilt.

If Keefe hadn't already known he was completely in love with her, he'd have known it now.

He had to get her out of there.

"I'm glad to see that you are aware of the hopelessness of your situation," Gisela said, eyes on her son. "You understand, now, that you have no way to free her unless you come with me?"

"No," Keefe said angrily, though it nearly killed him to say it. He had to stick to the plan, and not offer himself up—fake or real—just yet. "You'll let her go in exchange for me hearing you out. We both know the experience with Elysian didn't go according to your plan. She put my abilities back in balance without adding in your creepy plan for forcing my obedience. And hurting Sophie doesn't exactly warm me to your cause. I'm only willing to even consider helping you if you take that monstrosity safely off her head and give her back to us unharmed."

Years of hiding how he truly felt were working in his favor. He was terrified, scrambling to try to figure out how to get Sophie out of there without an ability restrictor on her head, and so angry at his mother, so filled with hatred, he didn't know how he wasn't seeing red.

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