Alternate Ending: Flashback 27

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Foxfire's secret "Mentors Only" cafeteria turned out to be even more amazing than Sophie had imagined: throne-sized chairs surrounding peaceful reflecting pools. Urns blooming with delicate flowers that filled the air with a sweet, spicy perfume. Soft, flickering lighting, and windows that overlooked the glass pyramid in the heart of campus.

And, of course, an entire wall of glass cases filled with all kinds of fancy, colorful confections.

It was kind of like going to a spa, but instead of kale and cucumber water, there was food people actually wanted to eat.

Even Ro had no complaints, despite the definite presence of sparkles. She sprawled out on one of the chairs and worked her way through an entire tray of ripplefluffs.

"Do I want to know how you found this place?" Sophie wondered as she finished off her third butterblast.

"Of course you do," Keefe told her. "But I never reveal my secrets."

"Even to me?" she asked, not sure where the question came from.

Her cheeks burned as he studied her--and she didn't want to admit that it stung when he said, "Yeah, Foster--even to you."

She shoved another butterblast into her mouth to save herself from having to respond.

But when their eyes met again, his gaze had softened, and he whispered, "at least for now."

Why did that hurt? Keefe was entitled to keep secrets. She knew, somehow, that he was talking about something deeper than the way he'd discovered this cafeteria.

Knew it was deeper than finally telling her exactly what the Great Gulon Incident was.

He was referring to the deep, personal secrets that you don't share with just anyone.

But...she wasn't just anyone.

Or at least, she had thought she wasn't.

Hadn't they shared almost everything with each other?

The only thing she hadn't shared with him was her crush on Fitz, and she didn't really need to--they didn't address it, but he knew. He could feel her reactions when Fitz was around and he was kind enough not to tease her about it--too much, anyway.

But it wasn't like he couldn't tell her if he had feelings for someone. He knew he could trust her to keep the secret, not give him away.

Though any girl Keefe liked would almost certainly like him too (and why did the thought of that make her hands ball up into fists?) because he was a great catch, so it didn't make sense for him to be keeping that a secret.

It had to be something else.

Something he didn't trust her with.

Hadn't they opened up, confided in each other, leaned on each other in really difficult times?

Hadn't they both pulled each other from the brink of meltdown when no one else could?

So why was he suddenly considering her and finding her wanting? Finding her lacking?

And why had she even brought this up in the first place? They'd been having fun, he'd successfully cheered her up from her little pity party. And now she was bringing it down again.

Because her eyes were burning and she was trying to keep them from filling with tears and she knew he could feel exactly what she was feeling.

And knew he wouldn't ignore it.

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