Legacy 37 (Keefe POV)

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Keefe awoke under the Panakes tree feeling better rested than he had in a long time. He sat up, noting how high the sun already was in the sky. Even so, he didn't get up to go inside or leap home.

He was far more content sitting here, watching the baby alicorns play--and sometimes letting them play with him. Plus the Panakes itself was a comfort. He'd noticed it before, but never this strongly--it was like Calla was here, singing to him, reminding him that life had a way of working out.

It didn't change anything, didn't affect how angry he was with his mother, how he was terrified of what memories he still hadn't reclaimed, of what he may have done to that human and his daughter, plus who knew how many others.

But sitting here among Foster's pillows and blankets with Panakes blossoms falling around him, Calla's songs in his ears--though he couldn't quite catch more than the soft melody--it felt just a tiny bit easier to bear.

The only thing that would make it even better was...

Keefe smiled to himself. No sooner had he thought it and he could feel that she was approaching him.

No one else would be flinging tenderness, worry, and affection at him from several feet away.

Without turning to look at her, he called out, "I get why you've been sleeping out here. I seriously can't remember the last time I slept for so long."

"I think it must be Calla's songs," Sophie told him, walking into his line of sight. "But Wynn and Luna help too."

"They do." He patted one of the pillows piled next to him, inviting her to sit next to him. He turned to watch her, searching her face for signs of exhaustion.

She had probably sacrificed her own rest in order to make sure he was taken care of.

Which of course made him feel bad but also made him fall a little bit more in love with her. "So," he said, unsure how thank her for the way she continued to care for him.

"So," she repeated, looking like she was studying his face, too.

"I'm guessing you didn't sleep much, since you let me steal your spot, huh?" he asked.

"Actually, I did. Really," she added when he raised one eyebrow, not believing her. "Silveny helped me fall asleep, which was nice, since she hasn't done that in a while."

"Aww. Is Mama Glitter Butt overwhelmed by the twins? I can see why. I woke up about an hour ago, and I've been watching them wreak havoc all over the pastures. That teleporting thing they do is crazy."

She frowned. "Teleporting thing?"

"I think that's what it is. That thing where they slip in and out of sight?"

She shook her head and he could feel her confusion. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Really?" He turned his head to scan the pastures, trying to find Wynn and Luna—but they didn't seem to be anywhere nearby. "They only do it when they're running really fast. At first I thought they were vanishing or something, but then Luna ended up ducking in and out of the pterodactyl's enclosure, and you guys keep that locked, right? So I don't see how she could do that unless she's slipping in and out of the void."

He watched as Foster frowned, deep in thought. "But... you have to free-fall to teleport," she finally said.

"That's what I thought too," Keefe admitted. "But you know what it kind of reminded me of? Remember that time at Everglen, not long after you and Dex were rescued? We were playing base quest and you did that Amazing Flying Foster routine, and we all wondered when you'd learned how to blink? Wasn't that before you figured out that you could teleport?"

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