Panakes Proposal (Keefe POV)

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A/N: I opted to write another chapter in my alternate universe arc (so if you don't know or remember, go read those first—the first three are also an alternate ending to Stellarlune 37, then the next one is entitled "Telling Sandor").

Getting a moment alone with Grady wasn't difficult. Keefe leapt to Havenfield after Foster had already left for Foxfire, and sat down at the dining room table with Grady.

And then he pulled out the ring he'd purchased--with Fitz's help--in Atlantis the day before and said, "I'm planning to ask Sophie to marry me."

Grady's eyes widened in shock as he looked at the ring.

"Grady?" Keefe prompted when several uncomfortable seconds of silence had passed.

Grady cleared his throat. "Um..." He tore a hand through his hair. "It's just...are you sure? You've only been dating for a few months."

Keefe nodded. "I know. But...we've been really close for a lot longer than that, and you know I've been in love with her for years..."

Grady recovered from the shock and smiled. "I know. And I'm sorry I reacted that way. I'm just surprised. It's so soon."

"Well, it is and it isn't."

Keefe wasn't about to admit that he and Sophie had been planning for this since day one. Or...night one.

One ill-advised but incredible night that changed his whole world.

Grady would kill him.

"Keefe...if you're sure...then Edaline and I will both be very pleased. You're already family to us. And I can see that you love each other. So as long as you're quite, quite sure that you're ready for marriage...we'll support you in this one hundred percent."

Keefe felt his lips curve up into a huge smile. "I'm sure. And I know Sophie is too. We've...well, we've talked about it a little bit. About being together forever."

And about how they'd wait until she graduated and they were done fighting the Neverseen, and then get married.

But Sandor had advised him not to worry too much about when they were done with the Neverseen.

Had told him that they had no way of knowing how long that would take, or what other threats might come after it.

And things had slowed down over the last few months, but Keefe realized that Sandor was right. The Neverseen was a large network with many plans, and even though most of the key players had been dealt with, the Council and the Black Swan still had their hands full trying to get their hands on all of the Neverseen's plans, blueprints, et cetera. It all needed to be destroyed so no one else could take up the mantle and carry them out.

Evil would always have to be kept at bay one fight at a time, but better that no one have any ready-made plans waiting for them in some random Neverseen hideout.

Sophie would be graduating from her Elite levels soon.

And Keefe loved her.

He wanted to marry her.

He also wanted to stop having to hold back from fully expressing his love for her.

But he also knew, without a doubt, that even if they hadn't lost control that first night, he'd still be ready to propose to her.

The question was how and when.

Not to mention where.

In their favorite clearing in the Grove? Just the two of them?

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