Angry: part 2 (Keefe POV)

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Taking Foster's advice, Keefe stopped outside Fitz's door and knocked.

Fitz opened the door. "Hey, I thought you were spending the rest of the day with Sophie, what's up?" Then he looked Keefe over more carefully. "You look upset. And dude...what's wrong with your hair?"

Well, that'll be fun to explain.

"You busy?" Keefe asked.

Fitz's brow furrowed in concern. "No, not with anything important."

So he let Keefe into his room and they sat down, Fitz listening as Keefe explained about his fight with his dad and how angry it had made him.

"I...heard some yelling," Fitz admitted. "I couldn't tell but I wondered if it was coming from your room."

Keefe nodded.

"So went to Havenfield? Or did you just sit and stew in your room until a few minutes ago? Is that why your hair looks crazy? It looks like it does when you've been stressed and tearing your hands through it."

"Um...yeah. Yeah I've probably been doing some of that."

He didn't really want to get into why his hair was so crazy.

"And yeah," he continued. "I went to Sophie's for a while, but...I'm just so angry. She suggested I talk to you, which makes sense, so here I am."

Fitz looked at him for a moment, studying him. "You guys have always been able to talk, to help each other feel better. I knew that about the two of you long before I understood how you felt about each other. But she sent you to me?"

Keefe shrugged. "You're my best friend."

Fitz grinned. "Yes, I am. But there's more to this story. I may not be an Empath, but I can tell."

Keefe sighed. "To be honest...we decided we shouldn't be alone together, not with me feeling like this. I...needed a distraction, and..." he shrugged again, trying not to think about how soft and warm her bare skin had felt under his hands, or how close he had come to removing her tunic.

And he silently thanked the stars that he'd found the strength to stop himself.

Fitz's eyes widened and he seemed to look up at Keefe's hair again. "Oh."

"Nothing happened," Keefe said quickly. And it was mostly true. "We just wanted to make sure nothing would."

Fitz nodded. "It's really not any of my business anyway," he said. "So, she sent you to me?"

Keefe nodded.

He was already calming down. Still angry, but not raging.

"She said you'd be a good one to talk to, since you had to work through handling yourself when you're angry, and you've managed it really well. And she was right." Keefe smirked. "It's been ages since you've lost your temper."

Fitz's face lit up at that. "I'm glad you guys can tell a difference."

"Of course. So now, it's all up to you, Fitzy: fix me!"

Fitz rolled his eyes. "No pressure. you want to talk about it, or do you want to just hang out and forget about it?" He looked out his window onto the Foxfire grounds. "We could play bramble or just go for a run or something."

Keefe contemplated that for several seconds. "Honestly...I'd rather kick your backside at bramble, but I think what I need to do is talk about it. I've been trying to ignore my dad and how angry he makes me, and ignoring it doesn't make the problem go away." He paused. "Or maybe it does. I made it clear I was cutting him out of my life. He was the source of my anger, and that's over and done now."

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