Alternate Ending: Legacy 4 (part 1)

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A/N: @julybobuly mentioned wanting an alternate ending of this chapter, and I think there were several others in agreement. It was so long I had to make it two chapters!

"I was going to tell you," Keefe assured her.



That didn't feel like a good enough answer--and Keefe must've known it, because he reminded her again, "You've been super busy. I haven't seen you in over a week."

"Well, I would've been here if you'd told me what you were doing! And if Dex has to go to London, you're going to need me to teleport him there."

Sandor cleared his throat.

"We'll figure out how to bring you along if we have to," she promised.

"You will," Sandor agreed. "There is no 'if.'"

"And that's what we were already planning on," Keefe told her, which didn't make Sophie feel any better. If anything, it kinda proved that they'd been waiting until they had to clue her in.

"It also would've been way faster if you'd let me project your memories for you," she pointed out, feeling more tempted than ever to grab the gold notebook and steal a good long look at everything he was hiding.

She just wasn't sure how he'd take it if she did.

He hadn't told her he didn't want her seeing it--and if he really hadn't wanted her to see it, wouldn't he have just left it in the drawer?

But he'd also refrained from discussing that notebook at all.

She was intensely curious, but didn't want to invade his privacy, either.

So instead of quickly snatching it, she reached for it as slowly as she could bear. "What about this one?" she asked.

Keefe blocked her before she reached it. "No!"

She whipped her hand back as though she'd been stung. "I'm sorry," she mumbled, her cheeks flaming.

She knew he had every right to his privacy, and didn't want to violate his trust.

But the fact that he was so adamant she not see what was in the notebook just seemed to solidify the fact that he didn't really trust her.

After everything they'd been through together.

After all the unpleasant memories he'd already let her see.

She'd continued to trust him when almost no one else did.

What had she done to break his trust?

Why was he pushing her away?

Was she losing him?

She didn't want him to see how badly that hurt.

But there was no lying to an Empath. Especially one that knew her as well as Keefe did...and could read her emotions without needing physical contact.

"I didn't mean to upset you," he whispered, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. "I just..."

But he didn't continue.

So Sophie finished the thought for him. "You don't trust me with whatever is in there. I just wish I understood why. What have I done? Whatever it is, I didn't mean to."

"I never said I don't trust you."

She bit her lip, willing her burning eyes not to spill over with tears. After a second, she managed to say, "you didn't have to. It's pretty obvious. You included Dex, but didn't include me, and now you're hiding more memories from me. Memories that you must think are important or you wouldn't have bothered drawing them in the first place."

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