Growing Up

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A/N: A bonus chapter from my main story, set between "Parenting" and "Manifesting". @evie44c requested some more chapters on Sophie and Keefe as parents, so there may end up being more after this.

Ten-year-old Will Sencen walked through the front door covered in mud, Anna Vacker at his heels.

"Um..." Sophie looked them over. Anna didn't look nearly as dirty. "Do I want to know?"

Keefe roared with laughter at the sight of Will.

Will smirked, and he looked uncannily like his father as he did so. "You should see the other guy," he said with a shrug.

Just then, Amy walked in, with Al Dizznee right beside her.

Al must've been 'the other guy', because he was caked in even more mud and bits of grass than Will. Amy was relatively unscathed, apart from some grass stains and the fact that several locks of hair had fallen from her ponytail.

Sophie sighed and rolled her eyes. "I don't remember ever getting this filthy playing Base Quest."

Al laughed, dimples flashing. "Then you must have been doing it wrong."

Al may have been a few years older than Will, but they were close. Al and Amy had been best friends almost since Amy was born, so Al viewed Will like a little brother. That brotherly sentiment was something Will certainly shared.

"Yeah, you really have to throw yourself into it," Will agreed. "The girls just didn't go as hard as we did, that's why they're not as dirty. But I picked up Anna's slack," he said affectionately, throwing a teasing grin Anna's way. "So we still won."

Al rolled his eyes. "You just got lucky is all. You and Anna are so little and hard to see."

"Just wait until Anna and Will manifest," Sophie pointed out. "Playing with abilities changes the game."

"I don't think our abilities will help much with Base Quest," Amy said, looking at Al.

Al shook his head. "Not unless I create some sort of device...maybe we could tag them with trackers." He grinned. "Then they'd be really easy to find, even if one of them ends up being a Vanisher like my mom."

"Playing with abilities is no fun when your ability doesn't help," Keefe said, smirking at Sophie. "Your mom and Fitz totally cheated when we played together, even if they were on separate teams."

"We did not cheat," Sophie retorted. "We couldn't help that we were better than you," she added, teasing him.

"I'm just glad you switched teams," Keefe said slyly, inching closer.

"Gross. Stop," Will whined with an eye roll. "Why do you guys always have to get all gross and lovey?"

"Someday, you won't mind it so much," Keefe told him. "But you won't attract any girls looking like that. Go take a shower. All of your grandparents are coming for dinner tonight."

Will said goodbye to Anna and Al, then headed upstairs as their friends glittered away.

"Biana's not going to be happy if Al gets mud all over her carpet," Sophie said with a laugh.

"They'll get it cleaned up," Keefe assured her.

"So all three of our grandparents are coming for dinner?" Amy clarified, grabbing a bottle of Youth before heading upstairs to get cleaned up.

"Sure are," Keefe said, reaching out to tuck one of Amy's fallen locks behind her ear. "To celebrate the last night of your midterm break."

Amy leaned in to kiss Keefe's cheek and headed upstairs.

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