Banoffee Pie

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A/N: A true one-shot, set sometime soon after the end of Stellarlune. Keefe's abilities are back in balance.

Keefe was quiet as they approached the Leapmasters at the end of the school day. He'd been back at Foxfire for a full week now, adjusting to his new schedule, which Magnate Leto had altered to accommodate training for his new commanding ability.

"You okay?" Sophie asked, squeezing his hand.

He offered her a small smile before calling down the crystal for Havenfield and pulling her into the light.

"It's just kind of been rough," he admitted when they reached Havenfield and began walking toward the house. "I don't like training for this ability. But I know that I have to. It's just so hard since it's new to us. They're doing the best they can, between Grady coming on to help, and Councillor Noland, and they want me to sit down soon with Councillor Terik and talk about it."

"Because he also had a totally unique ability?"

"Yes. And I think it'll help, all of it, it's just...frustrating. But," he said, leading her into the living room and sitting beside her on the couch, "we don't have to talk about that. It's the weekend now and I'd rather take a break from all of that. Especially since part of my frustration is that I'm now having to concentrate more at school and that gives me less time for pranks."

He smirked as he said that last part, and Sophie couldn't help but giggle. "Well, I'm sure we can find a way to get up to something mischievous this weekend."

Sandor tried to say something at that moment, but Sophie cut him off. "I said mischievous, not dangerous!"

"They're usually one and the same when you two are involved," Sandor pointed out.

Sophie thought for a second. "I don't see how leaping to the Forbidden Cities for date night would be dangerous." She grinned at Keefe, whose eyes lit up immediately.

Sandor sighed. "Probably not dangerous, but also not allowed."

"We sneak off to the Forbidden Cities for Black Swan stuff sometimes. You don't seem to mind then. Okay well actually, you do, but we do it anyway. Usually without you."

Sandor growled. "What are the odds of talking you out of this?"

"Zero," Keefe said immediately. "I'm way too excited about it now."

"'s not really date night with a goblin bodyguard who would have to stay way too close for the Obscurer to do its job," Sophie pointed out.

"Yeah, totally kills the mood," Keefe agreed. "And I know you don't like having to watch all our smooching. And there will be lots of smooching going on." He winked at Sophie.

Sandor growled something under his breath, and Sophie distinctly heard the words "teenage boys".

"Especially since the most immediate danger is behind us," Keefe added, more serious now. "We know the remainder of the Neverseen is scrambling now that Fintan is in captivity, Vespera is dead and my mom is in Exile."

Sandor glared at them. "And just what am I supposed to tell your parents?"

"Tell us about what?" Grady asked, walking through the door. "Whatever it is, is it dangerous?"

"No, just...talking about date night," Sophie hedged.

"In the Forbidden Cities," Keefe finished. Sophie looked at him, surprised.

"Hey, I'm not lying to your dad. He'd kill me."

"Smart move," Grady agreed. "But going to the Forbidden Cities isn't allowed. That's why they're called the Forbidden Cities."

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